Friday, July 24, 2015

Revelation 2:18

Revelation 2:18

iBoS:  Defender gather the corrupted, Seal in Approval, Word Nourish in Source Of LIFE Secure.  I AM Affirm Recognized Devotion, Truth Resolve in Humility, Uphold the perverted in LOVE.

AENT:  And to the Messenger of the assembly in Thyratia, write:  ‘These things says the Son of Elohim who has his eyes like flame of fire and his feet like fine brass:

Magiera:  “And to the angel that is in the church that is in Thyatira, write, “So says the Son of Alaha, he who has eye[s] like a flame of fire and his feet like Lebanese brass.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Defender  MaLAK/malaka H4397/A1375 
Gather  idta A1755 
stain/corrupted  thewatira A3527 
Sealed  KaThaB/kethav H3789/A1247 
Approval  HYK/hanaka H1963/A597 
Word  AMaR/emar H559/A116 
Nourish  BaR/bera H1248/A323 
Source Of LIFE  ALaH/alaha H433/A93 
Secure  HWA/hau H1931/A593 
I AM/Presence  AY/aik H335/A69 
Affirmation/Assurance  lamed A1261 
Recognition  AiYN/aina H5869/A1794 
I AM/Devotion  AYK/aik H349/A60 
Truth  ShaLHaBaT/shelhevitha H7957/A1278 
Resolve  NWR/nura H5135/A1494 
Humility  RaGaL/regla H7272/A2293 
Uphold/Verified  AYK/aik H349/A60 
broken/pervert  NaKaSh/nekhasha H5177/A1498 
Covenant/Love  LaBNWN/levnaya H3844/A3273 

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H4397- מלאך MaLAK/A1375- malaka/G32- αγγελος aggelos:  to despatch as a deputy, a messenger, specifically of God, i.e. an angel, also a prophet, priest, or teacher, ambassador, spirits of the heavens that stand before the Lord of all the earth, Someone sent over a great distance by an individual or community in order to communicate a message, often several messengers are sent together, a representative of a King, diplomat, significant and important function, honor to the messenger signified honor to the sender, Supernatural messenger of the Lord sent with a particular message, commissioned to protect and deliver God's people, given charge of His people, to keep them in the Way, to save them, Christ, employed, occupied, possessed, property of the Lord belonging to Him, One doing God's bidding and business, ministration, to bring, drive, move, induce, bring forth, carry, lead along, cause to enter, bring message, to proclaim, bring tidings and news, messenger sent by God, guardian, representative, belonging to Heaven engaged in God's service, chosen to carry His Word to declare and make known His Thoughts and Will, promoter, benefactor, paragon of virtue, shining forth, epitome, embodiment, personification, quintessence, apotheosis, acme, jewel, treasure, example, nonpareil, exemplar, consummate, inimitable, from God, sent from God, appointed by God, best person for the job, top, head, chief, central, main, principal, prince, emissary, delegate, deputy, plenipotentiary, diplomat, minister, dignitary, high commissioner, envoy, legate, champion, advocate, leader, consul, one in charge, surrogate, liaison, spokesperson, agent, intermediary, mediator, go between, substitute, replacement, proxy, stand in, relief, understudy, reserve, fill in, back up, provision, caretaker, protector, defender, preserver, custodian, keeper, conservator, curator, steward, trustee, superintendent, attendant

A1755- idta/G1577- εκκλησιαις ekklesiais:  gather, call, invite, engage, meet, suitable, appropriate, assemble, covenant, agreement, harmonious, peaceful, resemblance, similitude, union

A3527- TAWTYRA thewatira/G2363- θυατειρα theater:  city in Asia Minor on the northern border of Lydia near the road from Pergamos to Sardis and approximately 27 miles from Sardis, known today as Ashisar meaning white castle, lies near the river Lycus and was a Macedonian colony bearing the successive names of Pelopia, Semiramis and Euhippia, dyeing was an important branch of business from Homer's time and connects itself with selling of purple cloth, the scarlet cloth dyed had a reputation for being unsurpassed for brilliancy and permanence of color, stain, blemished, corrupted, tainted, adulterated, polluted, contaminated, tampered with

H3789- כתב KaThaB/A1247- kethav/G1125- γραψον grapson:  to grave, to write, describe, inscribe, prescribe, subscribe, record, engrave, write down so that is will be remembered, unchangeable and binding, fixed and will occur, cover with inscription, written fully by the Finger Of YaHWaH, to complete the writing, scroll, to receive dictation, registered, book, scripture, written, mark, brand, carve, pierce, penetrate, stamped, sealed, exact copy or representation, express image in likeness, similitude and resemblance, cut into, to engross, impress, bearing image produced corresponding with the instrument that produced it, distinct, sharpened, stake, owned, claim, badge of service, etched, marked, branded, taught, instructed, inculcate, show forth, point out, to cut or carve a text or design on the surface of a hard object, print, be permanently fixed, in, on, inscribe, incise, chisel, score, notch, imprint, set, embed, identify, characterize, distinguish, classify, set apart, devoted, consecrated, ordained, appointed, chosen, selected, called, named, preferred, favored, singled out, sign, indication, sure sign, quality, sort, status, nature, category, recognize, acknowledge, known, put a name on, know well, remember, determine, established, ascertain, verify, confirm, affirm, associate, link, connected, coupled, mention, side by side, belonging to someone, possessed and occupied, in tune with, have rapport with, feel at one with, be on the same wavelength as, speak the same language as, understand and relate to, of union, make distinctive, present, label, proprietary name, earmark, burn, sear, instill, lasting effect and influence, able to trace out and conform to, character, insignia, emblem, symbol, logo, monogram, hallmark, watermark, token, evidence, proof, effect, impact, feature, attribute, trait, calling card, property, indicator, grade, rate, score, target, end, flag, highlight, show forth, designate, delineate, note, specify, recognize, keep, appraised, assessed, pay attention to, bear in mind, consider, succeed, prosper, make good, covenant, heirship, set aside to keep, reserve, assign, allocate, devote, pledge, official mark, stamp of authenticity, distinctive feature and characteristic, sure sign, identification, marker, visible when held against the light and typically identifies the maker

H1963- היך HYK/A597- hanaka/*G:  self same, likewise, together, relation of participation, resemblance, even, follow, union, similitude, accompany, companion, one going in the same way, exactness, precision, careful, accurate, diligent, ascertain, understand, know, learn well, perfect, complete, of the same habit and custom, prescribed by the same way or law, same morals and ethics, bound by the same connection and principles, same direction, assimilation, assent, covenant, acknowledge, recognize, mark, taught, profession, harmonious, of one mind, congruous in nature and character, represent, substantiated, reliance, dependence, mention, care and attend, regard, hearken, accept, receive, belonging to, possession, occupation, ownership, joined, attached with, reason, deportment, conversation, stay and remain with, stamp, seal, approval, constant, secure, suitable, agree, present, profitable, serviceable, legitimate, lawful, benefit, capacity, prevail, endure, able to bear, dwell with, abiding, continuance, sacred, devotion, dedication, commitment, faithful, loyal, venerate, worship, honor, dignity, Home, Sanctuary, safety, refuge, shelter, cover, make replete, authentic, settled, present, respect, esteem, approval, favor, central, important, foremost, reverent, pertaining to, consecrated and set apart for YaH’s use and purpose, live with, reside, housed, lodge, domiciled, accept and act in accordance with, continue without fading or being lost, wait on, fit, obey, observe, keep, hold to, conform, adhere, stick to, stand by, uphold, acknowledge, recognize, defer to, protection, sustenance, cherished, fully and wholly given to, close and near beside, harmony, married, support, firm, stable, rest, sabbath, inmost recess, verified, retreat, immunity, preserve, salvation, deliverance, forgiveness, pardon, redeem, save, lifeline, means of escape, savior, help, keep safe, rescue, prevent from destruction, keep healthy, whole, sound

H559- אמר AMaR/A116- emar/G3004- λεγει legei:  utter, say, shew, declare, command, be or make prominent, lofty, King, address, introduce, mention, name, designate, tell, proclaim, question, answer, be referred to by, say of me, interrogate, say in the heart=think, desire, purpose, promise, command by letter, appointments, assign, related, told, of vision, concerning, called, deal with, emphasis, avow, avouch, exchange, Word, Wisdom, decree, plan, sworn, passage, corresponding, communicate, intention, determine, publish, make known, manifest, make clear, evidence, Message, authority, power, to lay forth, set forth, to cause to lie down and repose, cause to listen, put to sleep, to collect, gather, assemble, join in union, set at One again, reconcile, bring together, count with, enumerate, recount, narrate, describe, to pick out, point out forth, dictum, direct, discussion, direct discourse, speaking from the fullness of the heart, expression, judging, report, add, conjoin with speech, wrote in these words, wrote these words, ordered it to be said by messenger, send forth, exclamation, entreaty, sure, certain, profess one and the same thing, assertion, reference, to speak for on behalf, defend, regard rightly, advice, specify, asseverate, affirm, aver, maintain, uphold, sustain, teach, exhort, imperative, greet, welcome, call by a name, summon, surnamed, ownership, possession, hold and keep, safeguard, break silence, expression of thought and will, commune, call for, cry after, long for, seek after, investigate, examine, search out, discern, learn, distinguish, search out thoroughly, ascertain, unfold in teaching, reveal, bring light, enlighten, pray, to receive the spoken word requires an open heart, portal, understand, kindle, inspire, to glow with heat, burn, mark, ignite, refine, the Presence of YaH that brightens to transform

H1248- בר BaR/A323- bera/G5207- υιων uion:  heir apparent to the throne, beloved, pure, clean, best, finest, clear, grain, threshed, winnowed, harvested, field, cleansing, created, feed, nourished, offspring, family, builder of family name, relationship of subjection, children, descendants, subordinate, conscious willing submission, belonging to, unique unbreakable relationship, adopted, young, set up, established, repaired, founded, fortified, strengthened, conceived, made, resemblance, similitude, union, joined, association

H433- אלה ALaH/A93- alaha/G2316- θεος theos:  Supreme God, Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior And Preeminent To Deliver Victorious, Most High, Highest, Preeminent, Source Of Life, One True God, Greatest, Superior, Character, Attribute, Impressive, God Who revealed Himself in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant involves God's care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, Everlasting God Of Eternity, continuity, stability, veneration of God, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, Yehowah Elohim, His Power and Preeminence, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Highest Most High, Infinite Creator and Savior, Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, of the thing of which God is Author, things of God, Counsel, things due to God, because He Is As Is, things respecting and pertaining to God, wholly devoted to God and for which alone one lives, resemblance, similitude, at One

H1931- הוא HWA/A593- hau/G*:  self, same, this, IS, being, come, I AM, I exist, it is I, to be, continual, far more exceeding, intent, purpose, of one mind, set at one again, to the end, together, certain, belonging to, enter, point reached, peaceful, harmonious, hear and obey, take into one's favor, choose, prefer, approve, resemblance, similitude, likeness, duplicate, reason, virtue, effect, fruit, importance, significance, substance, mark, note, prominence, interest, care, regard, relevance, distinction, accept responsibility, parallel, undertake, carry out, support, remember, advocate, answer, be near and close, achieve, lead to, intimate, connection, faithful, devotion, dedication, commitment, true, cherished, knit together, folded together, include, encircle, hold, keep, continuous, fulfill, satisfy, resolved, finalized, complete, made perfect, conclusive, permanent, joined, union, evenly matched, immediate, direct, dear, inseparable, attached, special, best, firm, fast, strong, attentive, conscientious, focused, possession, ownership, occupation, vigilant, watchful, keen, alert, strict, exact, precise, accurate, appreciation, agree, secure, sealed, settled, established, confirmed, fixed, finished, lasting, enduring, perpetual, eternal, abiding, constant, standing, unending, endless, immutable, imperishable, stable, steadfast, stay and remain unchanged without end, continuing without interruption, remaining to the end, stay in the place that one has been occupying, continue to possess a particular quality, fulfill a particular role, prevail, be available, triumph, victorious, come out on top, superior, overcome, rule, reign, be the order of the day, be in force and effect, conviction, powerful, current, relevant, fresh, new, verified, confidence, trust, poise, peace, calm, quiet, guarantee, bond, honor, respect, earnest, fulfill, bring to completion and reality, realize, understand, fully developing one's abilities and character, meet, suitable, fit, sound, whole, fill to the full

H335- אי AY/A69- aik/*G:  habitation, abiding, eye, fountain, Face To face, in the presence of, present, sight, countenance, resemblance, spring, seeing, desire, longing, devotion, faithfulness, moral guide, agreement, appropriate, characteristic, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the Original, satisfy, pay for in full, meet, fulfill, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, analogous, Record or extract for reuse as a part of something, similar in position, structure and origin but not necessary in function, pairing, pattern, consistent, having a common descent, uniform, identical duplicate, fidelity, true, unswerving, dependable, reliable, constant, steadfast, resolved, resolute, authentic, legitimate, genuine, accurate, exact, on the mark, enduring, eternal, endless, regular, unchanging, firm, verified, unwavering, Given, upright, principled, truthful, level, balanced, sound, whole, healthy, complete on target, sure, certain, definite, assurance, guaranteed, absolute, evident, plain, clear, conclusive, established, effective, secure, safe, substantiated, appointed, done, protected from harm and danger, sheltered, at ease, sealed, fortify, strengthen, uphold, possession, occupation, rule, ownership, kept fixed so as not to give way nor become loose or lost, certain to remain and continue safe and unharmed, having provisions for, stable, having no doubt about attainment, victorious, attached firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost, succeed despite difficulties, having a right to take possession of an asset, quiet, tranquil, calm, serene, supported, unity, love, regard, solitude, equanimity, law and order, reconciled, restore friendly relations, coexist in harmony, compatible, accept, welcome, bring together, make congruent, synchronize, mend, remedy, rectify, heal, live with together, remain and stay with, assimilated, communicating, connecting, dove tail, fit, touching, pertaining to, responsive, answer, obedient, I AM, exist, being, it is I, give self wholly to, cause, Origin, Beginning and End, First and Last, Way, I AM AS I AM, at One, point reached or entered of place, time, purpose or result, union, joined, of one mind, corresponding, suitable, identified with, fully acquainted and familiar, gathered, arrive, converge

A1261- lamed/*G:  affirmation, conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stand, set forth, explained, explicative force, for, the fact is, namely, thus the force is conclusive or demonstrative, declaratory, conclusive force, answer, assuredly, profess, herein then is assuredly, certainly, approval, adduce the cause and give the reason of preceding statement or opinion, assigns reason why, for the authority of, established, proved to be correct, commanded, direction

H5869- עין AiYN/A1794- aina/G3788- οφθαλμοι ophthalmoi:  eye, fountain, focal point, attention, sight, face, presence, countenance, favor, approval, resemblance, recognition, well, surface, appearance, spring, seeing, understanding, connection, desire, longing, devotion, commitment, dedication, making an evaluation, judgement, proof of faithfulness, loyalty, mental and spiritual abilities, acts and states, moral faculty, guide, in one's view or opinion, in the sight of, Face To face, Source, Life, gushing, pouring out forth, flow, rain, water, source and supply, origin, spring, fountain, well, to feed and nourish, keep alive in full flame, indwelling Spirit of God, life, blessing, set up, fasten, secure, fix, permanent, confirm, verified, approval, favor, love, care, tend

H349- איח AYK/A60- aik/*G:  habitation, abiding, eye, fountain, Face To face, in the presence of, present, sight, countenance, resemblance, spring, seeing, desire, longing, devotion, faithfulness, moral guide, agreement, appropriate, characteristic, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the Original, satisfy, pay for in full, meet, fulfill, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, analogous, Record or extract for reuse as a part of something, similar in position, structure and origin but not necessary in function, pairing, pattern, consistent, having a common descent, uniform, identical duplicate, fidelity, true, unswerving, dependable, reliable, constant, steadfast, resolved, resolute, authentic, legitimate, genuine, accurate, exact, on the mark, enduring, eternal, endless, regular, unchanging, firm, verified, unwavering, Given, upright, principled, truthful, level, balanced, sound, whole, healthy, complete on target, sure, certain, definite, assurance, guaranteed, absolute, evident, plain, clear, conclusive, established, effective, secure, safe, substantiated, appointed, done, protected from harm and danger, sheltered, at ease, sealed, fortify, strengthen, uphold, possession, occupation, rule, ownership, kept fixed so as not to give way nor become loose or lost, certain to remain and continue safe and unharmed, having provisions for, stable, having no doubt about attainment, victorious, attached firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost, succeed despite difficulties, having a right to take possession of an asset, quiet, tranquil, calm, serene, supported, unity, love, regard, solitude, equanimity, law and order, reconciled, restore friendly relations, coexist in harmony, compatible, accept, welcome, bring together, make congruent, synchronize, mend, remedy, rectify, heal, live with together, remain and stay with, assimilated, communicating, connecting, dove tail, fit, touching, pertaining to, responsive, answer, obedient, I AM, exist, being, it is I, give self wholly to, cause, Origin, Beginning and End, First and Last, Way, I AM AS I AM, at One, point reached or entered of place, time, purpose or result, union, joined, of one mind, corresponding, suitable, identified with, fully acquainted and familiar, gathered, arrive, converge

H7957- שלהבת ShaLHaBaT/A1278- shelhevitha/G5395- φλοξ phlox:  a flare of fire, flaming, shining, to gleam, glow, sharply polished blade or point of a weapon, bright, glittering, earnest, genuine, authentic, sincere, honest, Truth As Is, glisten, armed, white, clean, pure, vestment, clothed, covered, empowered, wrap around, array, prominent, visible, conspicuous, refined, Presence Of YaH, seat of conscience and moral character, fountain, spring, union of undivided heart, inward, thoughts, desires, Word, action flowing from deep within, Will, heart, cherish, obedience, devotion, dedication, resolve, settled, remain and stay with, abiding, Faithful, commitment, determined, choice, favor, approval, welcome, acceptance, to receive, midst, among, together with, association, understanding, enclosed, beloved, comfort, center of anything, Wisdom, motive, affections, intellect, source of all action, receptive, seat of emoting, soul, LIFE, inclination, agreement, harmonious, right with each other, set at ONE, marked, named, sealed, ownership, rule, possession, occupation, compact, gathered, engraved, remembered, recorded, subscribed, unchanging, binding, fixed, complete, signed, registered, made sure, sound, permanent, transparent, make known and clear, kindle, burning, teach, point out forth

H5135-נור NWR/A1494- nura/G4442- πυρος puros:  to suckle, nurse, teach, instruct, bring up, raise up, cultivate, nurture, nourish and feed, make strong and healthy, shine, glow, kindle, devotion, God will gather and raise as His own, set on fire, keep alive in full flame, obedience, form, ordain, create, conception, purpose, frame, structure, mould, shape, determine, resolve, settle, fashion, make, molding something into desired shape, to pour out, melt, cast, place firmly, steadfast, to anoint, consecrate, set aside for God's use, make clear and known, sustain, support, tend and care for, look after, regard, remember, fire,  to kindle, ignite, glow, refine, burn, shine, emote, fiery, of fire, be on fire, hot, fueled, set in the Presence of God, set on fire, keep alive in full flame, blaze, dynamism, vigor, animation, life, vitality, vibrancy, exuberance, zest, passion, ardor, zeal, spirit, verve, vivacity, enthusiasm, eagerness, gusto, fervor, stimulate, start, stir, excite, awaken, enlighten, shed light, illuminate, clarify, inspire, motivate, rouse, catch light, give understanding, luminosity, brightness, emit, radiate, origin, initiate, supply, provide, tend, care, concern, interest, own, possess, occupy, light, bring forth, give birth to, activate, spark, kindle a fire, flame of fire, lamps of fire, setting itself and others on fire partly by reason of the fiery spirit that governs it and partly by reason of the force and power of possession, discern, distinguish, certain, melding together, fused, burning fuel, fortified, wall of protection

H7272- רגל RaGaL/A2293- regla/G4228- ποδων podon:  to walk along, to reconnoiter, to lead about, view, spy out, feet, step, pudenda, foot stool, after, follow, journey, be able to endure, according as, coming, possession, rest, table, leg, low place, total extent of the body, soles of the feet, arrogance, pride, kept, pavement, place, position, service, humility, make to rest, subjection, receptivity of discipleship, obeisance and worship, welcome, acceptance and hospitality, modesty, at the feet of, be near to attend and serve, close at hand and present, useful, agreeable, suitable, under another's authority and protection, in meekness, soft and gentle, selfless, lowly, respectful, unassuming, subdued in another's ownership, morally pure, reserved and kept, unpretentious, natural, obedient, tame, biddable, reconciled, acquiescent, like the Lamb, calm, quiet, self effacing, in attendance of another, ready, responsive, amendable, well disposed, approachable, accessible, quick, open, plain, easy, uncomplicated, obliging, cooperative, peaceful, harmonious, comfortable, willing, moderate, steady, content, secure, becoming like and following the example of another, to teach to learn, study, be taught, have experience, commit, take in, assimilate, familiar, to hear and understand, established, learn by heart in the presence of, yield, be governed by, abide, adhere, agree, consent, conform, bond, attach, fixed, accord, heed, regard, esteem, reverence, honor, venerate, adore, exalt, devotion, praise, thanksgiving, magnify, serve, hold dear, cherish, treasure, look up to, depend and rely on, lean on, rest on, trust in

H349- איח AYK/A60- aik/G3664- ομοιοι omioio:  habitation, abiding, eye, fountain, Face To face, in the presence of, present, sight, countenance, resemblance, spring, seeing, desire, longing, devotion, faithfulness, moral guide, agreement, appropriate, characteristic, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the Original, satisfy, pay for in full, meet, fulfill, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, analogous, Record or extract for reuse as a part of something, similar in position, structure and origin but not necessary in function, pairing, pattern, consistent, having a common descent, uniform, identical duplicate, fidelity, true, unswerving, dependable, reliable, constant, steadfast, resolved, resolute, authentic, legitimate, genuine, accurate, exact, on the mark, enduring, eternal, endless, regular, unchanging, firm, verified, unwavering, Given, upright, principled, truthful, level, balanced, sound, whole, healthy, complete on target, sure, certain, definite, assurance, guaranteed, absolute, evident, plain, clear, conclusive, established, effective, secure, safe, substantiated, appointed, done, protected from harm and danger, sheltered, at ease, sealed, fortify, strengthen, uphold, possession, occupation, rule, ownership, kept fixed so as not to give way nor become loose or lost, certain to remain and continue safe and unharmed, having provisions for, stable, having no doubt about attainment, victorious, attached firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost, succeed despite difficulties, having a right to take possession of an asset, quiet, tranquil, calm, serene, supported, unity, love, regard, solitude, equanimity, law and order, reconciled, restore friendly relations, coexist in harmony, compatible, accept, welcome, bring together, make congruent, synchronize, mend, remedy, rectify, heal, live with together, remain and stay with, assimilated, communicating, connecting, dove tail, fit, touching, pertaining to, responsive, answer, obedient, I AM, exist, being, it is I, give self wholly to, cause, Origin, Beginning and End, First and Last, Way, I AM AS I AM, at One, point reached or entered of place, time, purpose or result, union, joined, of one mind, corresponding, suitable, identified with, fully acquainted and familiar, gathered, arrive, converge

H5173- נחש NaKaSh/A1498- nekhasha/G5474- χαλκολιβανω kalkolibano:  to snort or hiss, whisper a magic spell, enchantment, prognosticate, learn by experience, incant, augury, divination, rites, ceremony, snake, serpent, snorer, ringing, red color of the throat of serpent when hissing, coppery, hard, brass, something made of metal, fetter, base, brazen, chain, filthiness, steel, copper is a mixture in the earth of other metals usually zinc, combination of zinc and copper, semiprecious, spoil, mixed with tin, material from which armor is made, could be polished and shined, less valuable than gold and more valuable than wood, symbolize cessation of life giving rain and sunshine, to sink, descend, to press and lead down, broken, bring away, deposit, depose, come down, imposition, unfavorable punishment, pervert, overthrow, turn away, carry aside, bend away, defection, spread out, to go off the way, seduction, downward, stretching, distortion, iniquity, perverseness, reach, symbolize spiritual power and rule, brass like, burnished, polished, whiteness and brilliancy, gold, silver, brilliant, lustrous, fine, shining, lower into a void, hollowing out as a vessel, implement for fragrant offering, instrument for incense or prayers, bridging of a gap or gulf or impassable interval, spanning a vacancy or chasm, to warm, teach, direct, conduct, gleaming, bright, illuminate, glowing, glistening, luminous, beaming, radiant, paragon, epitome, jewel, treasure, exemplar, embodiment, quintessence, acme, arch, representative, original, pattern, standard, archetype, vault, foremost, principal, leading, main, prime, premier, greatest, highest, chief, span, dome, bow, curve, bend, having an outline like the exterior curve of a circle or sphere, outside curve, not having interior angles, curved symmetrical structure spanning an opening typically supporting the weight of a bridge or roof or wall above it forming a passage way or ceremonial monument, bend the head or upper body as a sign of respect expressing thanks and agreement, submission, head of a ship, obedient and attentive in service, compliance, follow, adhere, natural, pure, unadulterated, refine, undiluted, solid, clarified, clear, perfect, genuine, real, clean, fresh, sparkling, unpolluted, wholesome, healthy, virtuous, ethical, moral, righteous, honorable, honest, upright, worthy, bold, inscribed, stamped, owned, valuable, cherished, useful, authority, rank, honor, strong, powerful

H3844- לבנון LaBNWN/A3273- levnaya/*G:  heart, white, clean, clear, evident, pure, seat of conscience, fountain and spring of deeds and action, inner being, thoughts, will, desire, inclination, Word, agreement, covenant, true, honest, sincere, genuine, authentic, legitimate, right with each other, wisdom, proper knowledge, soul, enclosed, covered, defended, protected, cherished, favor, approval, love, beloved, most interior, understanding, midst, tender, friendly, accept, welcome, reception, center of anything, principle, motive, affections, source, belonging to, possession, occupation

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

[και G2532 τω G3588] αγγελω G32 [της G3588 εν G1722] θυατειροις G2363 εκκλησιας G1577 γραψον G1125 [ταδε G3592] λεγει G3004 [ο G3588] υιος G5207 [του G3588] θεου G2316 [ο G3588 εχων G2192 τους G3588] οφθαλμους G3788 [αυτου G846 ως G5613] φλογα G5395 πυρος G4442 [και G2532 οι G3588] ποδες G4228 [αυτου G846] ομοιοι G3664 χαλκολιβανω G5474

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation based on study.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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