Thursday, July 16, 2015

Revelation 2:10

Revelation 2:10

iBoS:  Representative without delay Defend, Reconcile, Affirm Support Permanent.  Face Of Approval Cherish the destroyed, Word Vindicate Steadfast Approval, Settle Alive in Answer, Guide peoples Cultivated in I AM, Agreement Fulfill the lifeless in Gift Of Assurance, Restoring LIFE.

Magiera:  Do not be afraid of anything, of those [things] that you are going to suffer.  Behold, the Accuser is going to throw some of you into the detention hall, so that you may be tried and you will have torment [for] ten days.  Be faithful [ones] until death and I will give to you the crown of life.

Etheridge:  Fear not any thing of those that thou art to suffer;  for, behold, i will be that the accuser will cast some of you into prison, so that you may be tried;  and you will have affliction ten days.  Be faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Representative  medem A1326 
without delay  LA/la H3808/A1262 
Defend  ZaKaL/dekhel H2119/A509 
Reconcile  MaN/men H4480/A1388 
Affirmation  aina A66 
Cherish/Support  AiThYD/ethida H6264/A1914 
Permanent/Eternal  ATaH/at H859/A133 
Suffer/Face  khash A911 
Approving  HA/ha H1887/A580 
Cherish/Support  AiThYD/ethida H6264/A1914 
destroy/wild  AKaL QaRAi/akelqartsa H398+7167/A78 
Word  RaMaH/rema H7411/A2372 
Vindicate  MaN/men H4480/A1388 
Steadfast  BaYT/baita H1004/A243 
Approval  KaBaSh/khevushya H2280/A717 
Settle  NaSaH/nesa H5254/A1527 
Alive/I AM  HaWA/hewa H1933/A603 
Assurance/Answer  lamed A1261 
Guide  ALaTs/aultsana H509/A103 
peoples  YaWM/yauma H3117/A1036 
Cultivate  AiShaR/esar H6235/A1848 
Alive/I AM  HaWA/hewa H1933/A603 
Agreement  mhaimna A114 
Fulfill  edama A1747 
lifeless  MaWT/mauta H4194/A1335 
Gift  YaHaB/yahav H3051/A1030 
Assurance/Answer  lamed A1261 
Restore  KaLaL/klila H3634/A1178 
LIFE  KaYa/khaye H2416/A782 

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

A1326- medem/*G:  how great, great many and much, how great things, as long as, certain, as much as, as great as, as many as, whatsoever, how great, all, while, whosoever, wheresoever, the more, that ever, all that, as and in this manner, follows, after, like unto, in the same way, in like manner, even so, likewise, as like, same, same degree, appropriate to, characteristic, nature, such as, example, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another, having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the original, likeness, conjunction, agreeable, enjoyable, satisfied, fulfilled, desire, long after, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, portion, study, analogous, record or extract for reuse as a part of something

H3808- לא LA/A1262- la/G3367- μηδεν meden:  not, none, never, cannot, nothing, no, neither, without, not at all, in no wise, no more at all, by no means, in no case, not ever, not once, not even, not even one, not at all, without delay, not a whit, not even ever

H2119- זחל ZaKaL/A509- dekhel/G5399- φοβουμενοι phoboumenoi:  to crawl, to fear, be afraid, like a worm, to crawl and hide, without courage or strength, serpent, to be in fear, alarm, fright, afraid, terror, scared, dread, trembling, be in awe, revere, astonished, agitated with fear, protracted state, distress, anxiety, worry, unease, apprehension, perturbed, live in fear, panic, unnerved, stiff, contracted in fear, regard, care, respect, honor, veneration, esteem, praise, thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, capacity to inspire awe and admiration, regard with respect and warm approval, pleased, delighted, favor, preference, worship, applaud, appreciate, take pleasure in, commend, think highly of, recognize, acknowledge, realize, aware, conscious of, occupation, possession, ownership, rule, governance, regulation, devotion, dedication, honest, sincere, authentic, genuine, legitimate, defended and protected, cherished, beloved, know, understand and fully comprehend

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/*G:  a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

A66- aina/*G:  strong affirmation, yes, yea, even so, truth, verily, surely, indeed, doubtless, answer, assent to an assertion, confirmation of an assertion, in solemn asseveration, assuredly, abiding, uphold, support, ratify, endorse, sanction, sustain, approve, agree to, champion, defend, continue, preserve, maintain, protect, keep, hold to, back, stand fixed, verity, sincerity, honesty, accuracy, correctness, validate, authenticate, genuine, actual, real, certain, principle, law, in fact, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion, consecrated, reliable, dependable, ethical, moral, virtuous, straightforward, good, precise, exact, close, constant, loyal, allegiance, obedience, strictness, unswerving, steadfast, dedicated, committed, unerring, faultless, on the mark, legitimate, lawful, legal, authoritative, right, verifiable, in accord with, documented, unwavering, permanent, earnest, changeless, Will Of Aloha, settled, determined, commitment, faithfulness, dedication, loyalty, Truth, resolved, singleness of purpose, eye, focus, attention, regard, remembrance, fountain, spring, Origin, Source of all being, Creator, desire, intent, longing, cherish, beloved, assertion of confirmation, assurance, assuredly, even so as is, it is responsive and confirmatory of the substance of some question or statement, answer, firm, solid, authentic, legitimate, fact, uphold, upright, righteous, most emphatic, fulfilled, Given, true

H6264- עתיד AiThYD/A1914- ethida/G3195- μελλει mellei:  prepared, ready, treasure, cherish, help, assist, support, expectant, wait on, serve, look and seek after, intend, be about, regard, care about, tend to, remember, suffer long with, love, sense of purpose, duty, necessity, will, after, mean, of certainty, determined, devotion, dedication, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, true, genuine, honest, sincere, earnest, authentic, legitimate, longing after, consider and think of, gaze steadfastly upon, behold, respect, venerate, have relation to and connection with, concern, pay attention to, heed, goodwill, to guard, defend and protect, look on, see, deem, reckon, contemplate, observe, keep, hold, obey, study, notice, attend, present, approve, favor, greet, kind to, compliment, think about, important, accept, receive, make room for, highly regard, having or showing enthusiasm for, interested, anticipation, eager, pregnant, in the family, belonging to, stay and remain with, suitable, fit, serviceable, useful, helpful, intimate, watchful, ready, rest with, settled, stick around, look forward, yearn for, minister to, look after, keep vigil, surround about, be about, compelled, care for, make provision for, maintain, attach importance to, have affection for, willing, address, answer, reply, responsive, express care and concern, safekeeping, custody, charge, responsibility, guardianship, ward, careful, attentive, forethought, discretion, judicious, mindful, succor, support, solicitude, tender loving care, fond of, devoted to, adore, think the world of, idolize, fancy, nurse, make something ready for use or consideration, deal with, draw up, assemble, construct, put together, gather, arrange, get everything set, coach, train, tutor, prime, brace, steady, uphold, get into shape, fix, repair, restore, revive

H859- אתה ATaH/A133- at/*G:  now, always, appointed proper time and season, opportunity, fixed set time or period, suitable, regular, special occasion, straightaway, terminus, end, finish, accomplish, duration, perpetuity, eternal, everlasting, aim, testimony, witness, mastery, prince, recorder, someone present at legal transaction and can confirm if necessary, attest and confirm orally or by signature, able and willing to affirm the Truth of a transaction by affixing signature, signify Truthfulness of an act or agreement, attest to mutual relationship, advance, pass, continue, possession, vanishing point, remotest time, One who exited before creation was brought into existence, at the very beginning, Origin, Source, Fountainhead, continually without beginning or end, ever continuing, precede, meet, front, absolute fore part, antiquity, ancient, afore time, priority in time, precedence, former, first, bright object in the distance travelled toward, splendor, truthfulness, confidence, Guarantee, Assurance, victory, strength, constant, brilliancy, maintain, protect, preserve, keeper, tend, instruct, owner, mark, teach, distinct, dwelling, abide, stay, remain, reside, inhabit, generation, all ages, length, exist, it is I, I AM, exist, agree, have charge, hold, being, hope, belong, familiar, intimate, call, require, rest with, gain, win persons, obtain, inherit, receive, welcome, access, entrance, patrimony, share, partake, ordain, invite, devoted, communicate, participation, fellowship, communion, partner, companion, accompany, resemble, congruous in nature, present, give wholly to, taken, like-minded, similar spirit, equal and like soul, held in equal honor, cherish, beloved, harmonious, keep in full flame, enliven, flourish anew, taking responsibility of something to become security for, undertake and assume responsibility to exercise the assurance of fulfillment of promise, connected by bonds of nature or friendship, intimate, look after, care for, attend, union, pertaining to life, lead, receive in full, succeed, gird firmly and tightly, complete, perfect, knit together, carry and bear, endure with, accept by deliberate and ready reception, safeguard, oversee, recognition, acknowledgement, full discernment, complete comprehension, exact and full knowledge, in the presence of, permanent, confirmed, reconciled, impart life and enable to respond fully and instantly, assured, certain, made whole, healed, happy

A911- khash/G3958- πασχειν paskein:  feel, suffer, experience, impress, sense, involved, participation, contact, acquainted, aware, know, undergo, encounter, meet, come into, enter, face, impacted, influence, affect, move, stir, rouse, inspire, stamp, mark, imprint, penetrate, pierce, instill, inculcate, teach, fix, drive, ingrain, engender, generate, produce, promote, foster, imbue, infuse, stimulate, encourage, motivate, animate, fire, inspirit, lead, cause, prompt, awaken, ignite, kindle, bring forth, keep in full flame, saturate, permeate, conscious, appreciation, understanding, comprehension, discernment, wisdom, perception, reason, purpose, benefit, value, meaning, import, significance, implication, tenure, identify with, distinguish, recognize, acknowledge, connection, preserve, spare, shine forth, deliver, save, fervent, eager, zealous, vigor, fire, spirited, love, possession, occupation, ownership, willing to suffer and die for, willing to stand in the place for another to suffer for their sake, go through and bring to completion, to perfect, model, consummate, unrivaled, unsurpassed, faithful, devoted, committed, unerring, true, suitable, fitting, appropriate, right, absolute, complete, total, real, thorough, refine, touch, hone, polish, effect

H1887- הא HA/A580- ha/G2400- ιδου idou:  lo!, behold, see, even, aha!, calling attention to what may be seen or heard or mentally apprehended in any way, partake, careful and deliberate vision, communication of Spiritual Sustenance, to recognize for what it really is, to know thoroughly, knowledge that perfectly unites the subject with the object, special participation giving favor and importance to, hearken favorably to hear with attention, fully acquainted with, attend, present, implies active relationship between the one who knows and the person or thing known, to have an approving connection, standing very much related with

H6264- עתיד AiThYD/A1914- ethida/G3195- μελλει mellei:  prepared, ready, treasure, cherish, help, assist, support, expectant, wait on, serve, look and seek after, intend, be about, regard, care about, tend to, remember, suffer long with, love, sense of purpose, duty, necessity, will, after, mean, of certainty, determined, devotion, dedication, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, true, genuine, honest, sincere, earnest, authentic, legitimate, longing after, consider and think of, gaze steadfastly upon, behold, respect, venerate, have relation to and connection with, concern, pay attention to, heed, goodwill, to guard, defend and protect, look on, see, deem, reckon, contemplate, observe, keep, hold, obey, study, notice, attend, present, approve, favor, greet, kind to, compliment, think about, important, accept, receive, make room for, highly regard, having or showing enthusiasm for, interested, anticipation, eager, pregnant, in the family, belonging to, stay and remain with, suitable, fit, serviceable, useful, helpful, intimate, watchful, ready, rest with, settled, stick around, look forward, yearn for, minister to, look after, keep vigil, surround about, be about, compelled, care for, make provision for, maintain, attach importance to, have affection for, willing, address, answer, reply, responsive, express care and concern, safekeeping, custody, charge, responsibility, guardianship, ward, careful, attentive, forethought, discretion, judicious, mindful, succor, support, solicitude, tender loving care, fond of, devoted to, adore, think the world of, idolize, fancy, nurse, make something ready for use or consideration, deal with, draw up, assemble, construct, put together, gather, arrange, get everything set, coach, train, tutor, prime, brace, steady, uphold, get into shape, fix, repair, restore, revive

^H398- אכל AKaL/A78- akelqartsa/G1228- διαβολος diabolos:  to eat up, devour, consume, destroy, bear the results of, tearing to pieces, killing, waste away, accuse, prey on, liar, one who commits verbal assault, attacker, slanderer, false accuser, one held responsible and accountable for charges against, criminal, called to account, wrong, evil, wicked and cruel, lawless, godless, annoyance, harassment, to throw across, casting blame and assault, channel of an act or cause of violence, cause and reason for corruption, one who instigates sin and separation, confusion, disconcert, disrupter, father of lies, flinging and casting doubt, unsettle, befuddle, vex, mystify, confound, perplex, mistake, muddle, mix up, complicate, garble, cloud, obscure, blur, malicious, vile, evil speaker, lead in front of others to ridicule, to lead across from right to wrong, expose to ridicule, belittle, misrepresent, malign, denigrate, smear, run down, blacken, keep in the dark, defame, reviler, condemned, abuser, exploiter, molester, interfere, indecent, causing harm and injury, intent on destruction, insulting, cursing, take advantage of, amoral, malevolent, harmful, tending to harm, depraved, debased, undesirable, unsuitable, deadly, poisonous, venomous, bad, foul, dishonorable, vicious, malicious, sinister, atrocious, heinous, desolate, childless, barren, sterile, unproductive, degenerate, causing pain and misery, abomination, obscene, disgrace, horror, bane, detestable, full of hatred and envy, miserable, disgusting, hostile, antagonistic, enmity, full of malice and resentment, ill willed, aggressive, belligerent, opposing good, spreading lies and wars, stealer, killer, murderer, destructive, ruinous, spoiler, impaired, damaged, frustrated, crushed and in the end will never revive to arise 

^H7167- קרע QaRAi:  to rend, tear away, revile, paint the eye as if enlarging them, cut, tear apart to pieces, expression of grief, division, separation, wild, rags, bite, wink, chew up, slander, accuse, extirpation as if by constriction, destruction, oppress, split off, stubble, prick, pick apart, rip to bits, pull apart with force, remove by pulling or ripping forcefully, damage, reckless, erratic, extreme desperation, aggression, disrupt, destroy, harsh, criticize, demolish, punish, flay and cut open, lacerate, abrasive, irritate, shred, gash, hack to pieces, injure, stab, wound, sever, break up, disunite, rupture, snatch, wrench, snag, knock down, raze, flatten, dismantle, disassemble, drag through the mud, make by force, violent, fraud, swindle, rip off, out of control, without restraint, vehement, angry, attacking, steal, kill, copy, plagiarize, rough, dangerous, dissolute, immoral, wicked, reprobate, rip out, claw at

H7411- רמה RaMaH/A2372- rema/G906- εβαλον ebalon:  to hurl, to shoot, cause to fall, deceive, beguile, thrown, assess, cast, impose, cast down, height as seat of idolatry, high places, pride, arrogance, deceit, rapid breeding of worms, spreading, betray, forsake, abandon, delude, be on high, raise on high, exalt, extol, offer, give, lofty, promote, increase, magnify, worship, venerate, honor, enlarge, thrust, lay, arise, pour, send, strike, with force and effort, to smite, buffet, let go, launch, catapult, propel, project, deliver, give, land, direct, shoot, dislodge, unseat, disconcert, unnerve, agitate, discomfit, unsettle, host, hold, have, provide, arrange, organize, deposit, cover, remove, drive, bring down, displace, reject, dismiss, refuse, spread, open, register, record, enter, file, emit, radiate, form, create, shine forth, shed light, lose, discard, mold, fashion, shape, model, sculpt, choose, select, prefer, favor, name, Word, call, nominate, forge, decide, fix, appoint, elect, wish, desire, inclined, fit, place, set down, settle, leave, assign, allocate, attribute, submit, present, tend, offer, express, frame, render, convey, recognize, value, judge, explain, make clear, clarify, save, set aside, consider, come to light, become apparent, appear, emerge, result, follow, derive, originate, cause, stand up, proceed, stream, flow, gush, rain, strong, prevail, dispatch, consign, direct, transmit, communicate, summon, contact, request, order, release

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/*G:  a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

H1004- בית BaYT/A243- baita/*G:  fortress, castle, palace, house, family, household, home, within, building, land, fixed, established, permanent dwelling, residence, abiding, living place, place of worship, sanctuary, safety, refuge, room, wing of a house, defense, protection, secure, inside, resting place, receptacle, container, descendants, offspring, branch, court, territory, dominions, ownership, possession, devotion, beloved, cherish, approval, favor, trust, confidence, assurance, quiet, hiding place, sure, firm, steadfast, faithful, constant

H2280- חבש KaBaSh/A717- khevushya/*G:  to wrap firmly, bind up, gird about, heal, govern, rule, join, couple, fellowship, companionship, commune, association, knit together, partner, encircle, compass, wall of protection, restore, deliver, defend, cherish, approval, establish, tie, bond, union

H5254- נסה NaSaH/A1527- nesa/G3985- επειρασω epeiraso:  test, attempt, adventure, assay, prove, establish, find out, determine, resolve, settle, try, make clear, manifest, show forth, evince, vindicate

H1933- הוא HaWA/A603- hewa/*G:  to be, this, One, same, self, IS, AM, to breathe, existence, alive, become, come to pass, keep, set, cause to be, generate, done, fulfilled, arise, settled, choose, desire, Will, complete, assemble, finished, end, abide, stay, remain, found, begin, grow, ordain, appoint, partake, perform, publish, require, show forth, enter, spring up, arrange, set forth, order, bring together, to give and take, to behave and walk, to live, conduct, have conversation, cause to stand and be, cause to rise up, return and lean on, to lift up, awake, raise up, rising to a position of preeminence or power, spiritual awakening, to know, perceive, be aware, have knowledge, recognize, acknowledge, sure, resolved, understand completely, realize definitively, value importance of relationship, approval, appreciation, connection, union, experience with, familiar, acquainted, close association, teach, instruct, direct, learn, rain, water, pierce, penetrate, hold and keep, protect, nourish, communicating things before unknown, to come to know intimately, reaffirm, remind of what is known, complete comprehension, exact viewing and understanding in participation and proximity of relationship with another, resemblance, similitude, likeness, one mind, knowable, to shine forth, bring light, enlighten, to give light, genuine, sincere, legitimate, true, lawfully begotten, natural, real, honorable, consent, agreement, determine, purpose, result of knowledge, to bear through, carry, establish, grant, deliver, save, bestow, commit, minister, offer, arouse, to free, liberate, redeem, ransom, to make right, endure, take up, purchase, own, belonging to someone, ruled  governed, occupy a space or standing in the midst of the people, stirring, building, repairing, resurrect, near, ready at hand, present, valued, dear, cherished, meet, effectual, devoted, faithful, consecrated, dedicated, strong, called, named, selected, strengthen, make strong, empower, obey, imitate, follow out to the end, germinate, produce, mature, ripen, bring forth fruit and result, to proceed, permit, accompany, follow close after with, to hearken with favor, to listen, to attend and care for, to exalt, praise and worship, competency and mastery, jurisdiction, right, authority, influence, stamp, preserve with a signet or private mark, permanence, fixed, certain, sacred, covenant, intimates special interest, authentication, fencing, protection from misappropriation, impress of genuineness, emblem of ownership and security, to save and make whole, to heal and restore, sound whole, peaceful, quiet, together with, hold together, consummate in integrity, virtue, lacking nor wanting nothing necessary to completeness, goodness, having fully reached its end and purpose, restored and attained moral end, absolution, bear to completion, fully paid for, termination, manifest, fully made known, revealed

A1261- lamed/*G:  affirmation, conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stand, set forth, explained, explicative force, for, the fact is, namely, thus the force is conclusive or demonstrative, declaratory, conclusive force, answer, assuredly, profess, herein then is assuredly, certainly, approval, adduce the cause and give the reason of preceding statement or opinion, assigns reason why, for the authority of, established, proved to be correct, commanded, direction

H509- אלץ ALaTs/A103- aultsana/G2347- θλιψει thlipsei:  press, urge, encourage, tame, influence, associate with, teach, demonstrate, lead, drive, trail, mark, remember, guide, test to approve, make a Way or path for, engender, kindle, train, show forth, establish, set up, secure, continue with, abiding, remain to stay with, carry to bear, constant, consistent, faithful, nurture, foster, hold, keep, embrace, gather, plead with, advance, augment, improve, enlarge, present, advocate, accommodate, house, publish, share, announce Good News to, cover, defend, protect, attend, move in specified direction, persevere, lift to carry, apply, mold, form, print, mark to remember, stamp of approval, enlist, advance pay, provide, supply, provision, salvation, recovery

H3117- יום YaWM/A10360- yauma/G2250- ημερας emeras:  to be hot, day, warm, daily, ever, continually, full, always, whole, perpetually, present, remain, life, daylight, period, point of time or moment, year, tame, gentle, forever, time, age, hour, season, definite point of time, belonging to the right hour or season, timely, flourishing, beauteous, that which is seasonably produced at the right time, prime, time when anything is the loveliest and best, a period fixed by natural laws and revolutions, the best season, beautiful, to sit, dwell, immovable, stedfast, settled, fastened, fixed, abiding, enduring, set, married, complete, perfect, joined and coupled to stay and remain, peaceful, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, domesticated, bound, perpetuity, evermore, eternal, unbroken duration, indefinite duration, period marked by moral and spiritual characteristics in respects to increasing knowledge of God, stresses the quality of life, interminable duration, everlasting, endless, without end, permanence and unchangeableness, generation, begetting, successive, birth, whole, entire, origin, lineage, natural, delivered, gender, conceive, act of God, bring into special relationship with God, always uniquely related to God, anew from above, kin, fruit, offspring, children, kindred, people, maturity, full age, completeness, brought to its end, finished, wanting nothing necessary to completeness, consummate in integrity and virtue, full grown, end, having reached its end, full development, goodness, complete revelation of God's Will and Way, preserved, attained moral end for which is intended, completing of assigned purpose, accomplishment of purpose, consecrate, fulfill, verified, confirmed, absolution, performed, ripe, limit, concluded, fill up, carry out a thing the the full, result, termination, uttermost, what is paid, acme, regularly, earnestly, continued duration, unceasing, be ready always, present, close, honest, have conversation, return with, without interruption or intermission

H6235- עשר AiShaR/A1848- esar/G1176- δεκα deka:  accumulation, complete, rich, grow, cultivate, enrich, enlarge, wealth, multiply, also, and, even, so, then, too, both, moreover, indeed, therefore, cumulative force, copulative, together, with, more than, above, beyond, group, unit, size, value, indicate something that is well done, satisfied, fulfilled, highest mark, winner, prevail, continue, enduring, persisting, infinite, endless, quality, boundless, limitless, immense, great, abundance, profusion, host, multitude, mass, wealth, vastness, heap, stack, plenty, bounty, lavish, loads, prosperity, overflowing, abounding, myriad

H1933- הוא HaWA/A603- hewa/*G:  to be, this, One, same, self, IS, AM, to breathe, existence, alive, become, come to pass, keep, set, cause to be, generate, done, fulfilled, arise, settled, choose, desire, Will, complete, assemble, finished, end, abide, stay, remain, found, begin, grow, ordain, appoint, partake, perform, publish, require, show forth, enter, spring up, arrange, set forth, order, bring together, to give and take, to behave and walk, to live, conduct, have conversation, cause to stand and be, cause to rise up, return and lean on, to lift up, awake, raise up, rising to a position of preeminence or power, spiritual awakening, to know, perceive, be aware, have knowledge, recognize, acknowledge, sure, resolved, understand completely, realize definitively, value importance of relationship, approval, appreciation, connection, union, experience with, familiar, acquainted, close association, teach, instruct, direct, learn, rain, water, pierce, penetrate, hold and keep, protect, nourish, communicating things before unknown, to come to know intimately, reaffirm, remind of what is known, complete comprehension, exact viewing and understanding in participation and proximity of relationship with another, resemblance, similitude, likeness, one mind, knowable, to shine forth, bring light, enlighten, to give light, genuine, sincere, legitimate, true, lawfully begotten, natural, real, honorable, consent, agreement, determine, purpose, result of knowledge, to bear through, carry, establish, grant, deliver, save, bestow, commit, minister, offer, arouse, to free, liberate, redeem, ransom, to make right, endure, take up, purchase, own, belonging to someone, ruled  governed, occupy a space or standing in the midst of the people, stirring, building, repairing, resurrect, near, ready at hand, present, valued, dear, cherished, meet, effectual, devoted, faithful, consecrated, dedicated, strong, called, named, selected, strengthen, make strong, empower, obey, imitate, follow out to the end, germinate, produce, mature, ripen, bring forth fruit and result, to proceed, permit, accompany, follow close after with, to hearken with favor, to listen, to attend and care for, to exalt, praise and worship, competency and mastery, jurisdiction, right, authority, influence, stamp, preserve with a signet or private mark, permanence, fixed, certain, sacred, covenant, intimates special interest, authentication, fencing, protection from misappropriation, impress of genuineness, emblem of ownership and security, to save and make whole, to heal and restore, sound whole, peaceful, quiet, together with, hold together, consummate in integrity, virtue, lacking nor wanting nothing necessary to completeness, goodness, having fully reached its end and purpose, restored and attained moral end, absolution, bear to completion, fully paid for, termination, manifest, fully made known, revealed

A114- mhaimna/G4103- πιστοι pistoi:  trustworthy, full of trust, true, sure, constant, assurance, convinced, won over, reconciled, conciliate by fair means, assent to evidence and authority, rely on inward certainty, persuaded, have confidence, fully know, agree, yield to another's authority, submission due to persuasion or belief, prevail and won over bringing a change of mind by the influence of reason and moral consideration, obey, hearken, listen, hear, understand, perceive, discern, obedience resulting from persuasion to trust where disobedience is evidence of distrust, respect from the heart invisible to men but known by God, given wholly to, persuasion of truth that results in trust and obedience, conforming, suitable, agreement, actual and outward result of Truth as He Shows Forth His Way, certainty from knowing, conviction from full knowledge, credence and reliance on the truth, confide in, put one's trust in, dependable, can count on and be sure of, sound, whole, perfect, complete, fulfilled, satisfied, commitment, devotion, dedication, faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, loyalty, adherence, allegiance, abide and stay with, enduring, regard, meet, suitable, in the presence and company of daily to be fully acquainted, familiar, know well, wait for, touch, join, resemblance, likeness, reception, accept, face to face with, connection, answer, settled, clear, resolved, set right, rectify, put in order, determined, fix, named, established, set up, appoint, designate, choose, prefer, favor, accede to, make one's home in, put down roots in, occupy, possess, own, belonging to someone, marked, burned, taught, instructed, sealed, penetrated, sit down with, come to rest with, lodged, dwell, permanent, defend and protect, intent, firm, single minded about, resolute, purposed, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, immovable, wholehearted, earnest, zealous, passionate, simple, straightforward, crystal clear, evident, definite, manifest, beyond doubt, enlightened, brighten, bring light, solve, solution, rejoin, return, match, fit, correspond, interpretable, intelligible, able to explain and make clear

A1747- edama/G891- αχρι akri:  fullest extent, terminus, finish, end, until, of place and time, up to, unto, even to, as far as, in for, into, limit, extremity, border, conclusion, consummation, completion, perfection, full development, mature, uttermost past, the top, tip, point, ripe, full, fulfillment, satisfaction, acme, mean, just, now, still, clear and evident, known, settled, agreement, up to a certain point, space of time or place intervening, final part, termination of state or situation, death and ruin, ultimate state and condition in peace, furthest and most extreme part or point, specified extreme point, goal, result, achieved, accomplished, fully brought to the end, full completion lacking nothing, reach a point to go no further, boundary, perform a final act, have its final part, point or result, reached and come to specified place, state or course of action, no more, limit to what can be tolerated, spend the final part of one's existence in a specified state or place, outcome, point beyond which progress or survival cannot continue, having no patience or energy left to cope, the termination of life on earth, furthest point an object facing and touching one, eventuality, cause to stop existing, extent, margin, edge, periphery, tail, resolution, culmination, epilogue, coda, purpose, objective, target, intention, design, motive, aspiration, desire, will, ambition, field, share, portion, passing, expiry, quietus, extinction, annihilation, extermination, decease, demise, finish with, come to and end, draw to a close, stop, cease, climax, build up to, lead up to, come to a head with, break off, bring to an end, put an end to, discontinue, curtail, dissolve, cancel, annul, ax, cut off, consume, have no more need for and nothing more to do with, reach the end, final point or place, comprehensively defeat someone, complete an action or process, bring to conclusion, wind up, crown, cap, round off, discharge, carry out to the full, done, leave, give up, devour, eat, drink, gulp, exhaust, empty, drain, get through, run through, close, execute, liquidate, get rid of, wipe out, take out, dispose of, do away with, rip out, waste, overwhelm, overcome, bring down

H4194- מות MaWT/A1335- mauta/G2288- θανατος thanatos:  to die, to kill, dead, slay, death, surely kill, in no wise, destroy, lose one's life, have no wisdom, near death and dying, put to death, spiritual death, sin, nakedness, shame, cover up, covert, pestilence, ruin, against LIFE, cursing, consequence of sin and separation from Source of LIFE, violence, rebellion, sickness, plague, deadly, separation, ceasing to function, turn into dust, died, opposite of life, unconscious, unaware, left alone, forsaken, not remember, disconnected, lifeless, led away, gone astray, take off, leave, carried away, doomed, mortality, end, limit, decease, finish, expire, demise, reproach, rest, execution, termination, sleep, extinction, extinguish, collapse, destruction, eradication, obliteration, bring to an end, close, conclude, stop, fatal, lethal, dangerous, injurious, harmful, detrimental, noxious, toxic, irreconcilable, implacable, unforgiving, remorseless, merciless, bitter, hostile, extreme, intense, marked, detached, dissociation, disunion, segregation, break up, split, rupture, breach, divorce, estrangement, rift, difference, division, chasm, halt, over, discontinue, suspend, break down, insentient, senseless, comatose, inert, stunned, motionless, immobile, prostrate, heedless, unmindful, disregarding, oblivious, unconcerned, indifferent, ignorant, not cognizant, dormant, uncontrolled, not thinking, unregulated, not knowing anything, perished, gone, no more, stiff, cold, without life, inanimate, bare, barren, desolate, stark, infertile, uncultivated, uninhabited, spiritless, characterless, dull, dreary, emotionless, expressionless, torpid, soulless, unproductive, sterile, childless, pointless, futile, worthless, profitless, without value, vain, empty, vapid, fruitless, departed, lamented, obsolete, discarded, forgotten, inoperative, inactive, numb, paralyzed, unfeeling, unresponsive, blank, vacant, incapacitated, frozen, finished, complete

H3051- יהב YaHaB/A1030- yahv/G1325- εδωκεν edoken:  to give, to put, come, ascribe, bring, give out, set, take, deliver, Given, portion, grant, bestow, commit, minister, offer, yield, provide, furnish, accord, contribute, convey, impart, communicate, entrust, devote, dedicate, permit, occasion, produce, arrange, perform, execute, administer, deal, Gift, present, care, account, express, appoint, measure, commission, pour out forth, make known, reveal

A1261- lamed/*G:  affirmation, conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stand, set forth, explained, explicative force, for, the fact is, namely, thus the force is conclusive or demonstrative, declaratory, conclusive force, answer, assuredly, profess, herein then is assuredly, certainly, approval, adduce the cause and give the reason of preceding statement or opinion, assigns reason why, for the authority of, established, proved to be correct, commanded, direction

H3634- כלל KaLaL/A1178- klila/*G:  to complete, perfect, supply, furnish, support, make provision for, save, recover, deliver, restore, revive, rescue, reconcile, set up, prepared, set at One again, fulfill, satisfy, make whole, entire full, perfection, union, resemblance, likeness, similitude, assimilated, accepted, welcomed, approval, favor, beloved, cherish, receive, make room for, establish, together, inseparable, uninterrupted, settled, finished, resolved, commitment, carry to complete end, rest, home, safety, defend, protect, accomplish, bring to fruition, finalize

H2416- חי KaYa/A782- khaye/G2222- ζωης zoes:  alive, fresh, strong, life, living thing, running, creature, moving, maintenance, springing, living being, state of living as opposed to that of death, lifetime, breath that brings life, quick, soul, not stagnant, refreshing, pleasant, Gift Of Salvation, revive, quicken, keep alive, give life, nourish up, preserve alive, save, recover, repair, restore to life, make whole, have life, vigorous, lively, dwell, remain, abide, stay, access, manifestation of divine power in support of divine authority, bread, water, stones, sacrifice, maintenance of life, deliver, reconciliation from alienation, saved, regenerate, resurrect, warm, glow, earnest, zealous, fervent, honorable emulation and consequent imitation, diligent, sincere, devoted, committed, given self wholly to, occupied, ruled, possessed, renewed, found, live again, merry, manifest activity again, re-enkindle, stir, kindle afresh, keep in full flame, flourish anew, blossom, reverse, attentive, alert, overturn, return, have conversation, honest, turning back, give and take, back and forth, going and coming, stand up again, raised, rear, find strength, firmness, steadfast, return to lean against and rely on, existence, pertaining to life, way, conduct, succeed, confirm, affirm constantly, assurance, confident, ownership, power and authority, engender alive, saved from death, cherish, endear, connection, dominion, order, supremacy, sustenance, make alive, vitalize, creation of life, power of reproduction, impartation of spiritual life, communication of spiritual sustenance, enable to respond immediately, indwelt, to breathe, sentient principle, mind, heart, moral being

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

μηδεν G3367 φοβου G5399 [α G3739] μελλεις G3195 πασχειν G3958 ιδου G2400 μελλει G3195 βαλειν G906 [εξ G1537 υμων G5216 ο G3588] διαβολος G1228 [εις G1519 φυλακην G5438 ινα G2443] πειρασθητε G3985 [και G2532 εξετε G2192] θλιψιν G2347 ημερων G2250 δεκα G1176 [γινου G1096] πιστος G4103 αχρι G891 θανατου G2288 [και G2532] δωσω G1325 [σοι G4671 τον G3588 στεφανον G4735 της G3588] ζωης G2222

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

^ Hebrew consists of two words, Aramaic contracted into one word

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation based on study.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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