Sunday, July 19, 2015

Revelation 2:13

Revelation 2:13

iBoS:  Affirmation Embrace in Permanent Devotion, Cover opposer, Cherish in I AM Approval, Reconcile without delay, Forgive Continually, Confirmed Witness Affirm True Account, Complete Record Faithfully Assure Authentic Vindication of the lifeless.

AENT:  I know your works and where you dwell (even) where the throne of Satan is:  and you hold fast my name and have not denied the faith of me, in those days when my faithful witness, who was slain among you, was made a spectacle where Satan dwells.

Magiera:  I know where you live, the place of the throne of Satan.  And you hold fast to my name and have not denied my faith, even in the days [when] you were watched and my faithful witness was killed among you.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Affirm  YaDAi/yida H3045/A1023 
Embrace  AYaH/aika H346/A1108 
Permanent  emar A1833 
Devotion  athra A214 
Cover  KaS/kursya H3676/A1159 
opposer  ShaTaN/satana H7854/A1642 
Cherish  AKaZ/ekhad H270/A47 
I AM  ATaH/at H859/A133 
Approval  ShaM/shema H8034/A2539 
Reconcile  haimanutha A115 
without delay  LA/la H3808/A1262 
Forgive  KaPhaR/kephar H3722/A1215 
Continually  YaWM/yauma H3117/A1036 
Confirm  KaZaH/kheza H2372/A758 
Witness  SaHaD/sahda H7717/A1609 
Affirm/Faithful  dil A517 
True/Assurance  mhaimna A114 
Account  metul A1347 
Complete  KaL/kul H3605/A1168 
Record  SaHaD/sahda H7717/A1609 
Affirm/Faithful  dil A517 
True/Assurance  mhaimna A114 
Authentic  aina A66 
Vindication  MaN/men H4480/A1388 
lifeless  QaTaL/qetal H6991/A2179 

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H3045- ידע YaDAi/A1023- yida/G1492- οιδα oida:  ascertain by seeing and understanding, observation, care, recognition, instruction, designation, perceived, shew, tell, certain, acknowledge, acquaintance, consider, declare, teach, advise, answer, appoint, assured, aware, comprehend, diligent, cause to discern, discover, endued with, familiar, learned, mark, regard, have respect, skillful, know by experience and reflection, responsive, actual involvement with or in the object of knowing, intimate, personal, trust, confidence, certify, realize, fullness of knowledge, implies an active relationship between the one who knows and the person or thing known, to have an approving connection, standing very much related with, earnest continued inspection, an inward impression or spiritual experience, mental occupation, vision coming into view, that which is seen and understood, behold and take heed for a testimony, witness, to kindle, keep in full flame and alive, to revive, attentive, devotion, dedication, consecrated, looking away from all else at one object alone, to esteem,  favor, to prefer, choose, sincerity without dissimulation or self seeking, simplicity, union, folded together, clear, determined, undivided, undistorted, clean, pure, unpolluted, unmixed, singleness of heart, unconditionally completely given to, surrender, take fully, welcome, approve, accept, receive gladly with favor and without reservation, to await with confidence and patience knowing, to acknowledge, recognize upon a mark, joined, coupled, settle, remain, stay, abide, dwell with, agree, fit, meet, pleasing, delight, resemble, set at one, similitude, likeness, attached, taken, fasten, set on fire, cling, lay hold, have fellowship, close association, follow, practice, vital union between, own, belong, possess, occupy, hold, keep, complete, perfect duplicate, immovable, unquenchable, perpetual, to rule, govern, enfold in embrace, constancy, faithfulness, loyalty, assimilate closely, willing, representation, corresponding, involved in essential relations with, to hear and obey, named, companion, knit together, closest spiritual bond independent of space, gathered,  cherish, nourish, protect, defend, bear out, entwined, distinguished, raise up, follow out to the end, yield to, settle and rest in, rely, answer, notice attentively, advanced knowledge and special appreciation, special participation giving favor and importance to, knowledge that perfectly unites the subject with the object, recognize for what it really is, exact viewing of that which is beheld, assent, consent, communicate with, establish, confirm, affirm, make room for, present ready at hand, near and close, worship, ardor, honorable emulation and consequent imitation, impartation of spiritual life, communication of spiritual sustenance, enable to respond to His voice, respond fully and instantly, careful and deliberate vision that interprets, permanent

H346- איה AYaH/A1108- aika/*G:  cry out after, yearn for, call after, query, seek after, follow after, continue, remain after, highly valued, cherished, embraced, devotion, dedication, commitment, resolve, determination, settled, habitation, dwell with, remain and stay with, strength, remember, support, nourish, feed, sustain, preserve, save, humility, subjection, service, worship, obey, brought under, bring under one's control or jurisdiction, dependent, predicated, dominion, ownership, possession, occupation, supposition, wish, desire, longing, preference, favor, approval, burning, hunger and thirst, strong desire and wish, reach, extend, present, offer, inclined, bend toward, request, entreat, bid, ask, earnest, sincere, fervent, ardent, to bear and carry, choose, select, opt, promote, approval, goodwill, back, lean, tend, advocate, uphold, espouse, endorse, subscribe, urge, recommend, champion, agree with, appreciate, hold with, respect, honor, accept, receive, welcome, consent, assent, bless, ratify, sanction, authorize, validate, concur, be of the same mind, sympathetic, union, joined, as one, acquiesce, match, accord, correspond, coincide, fit, be in harmony, consistent, equivalent, decided on, arrived at, deal, conditional, in case, provided

A1833- emar/G2730- κατοικουντες katoikountes:  to house permanently, to dwell and inhabit, own and possess, fixed, indwelling of the totality of the attributes of God, owned and possessed by God, won over to God to belong entirely and wholly to His Rule, to stay and remain, inhere, reside, dwelling and staying together, joined, union, settled, daily with, completion, perfection, joy, happiness, peace, harmony, continue, abide

A214- athra/*G:  land, region, country, room, place, time, opportunity, advantage, benefit, a spot, in space but limited by occupancy, location, position, home, tract, condition, quarter, license, coast, plain, topography, specific region, place in which a person or thing occupies, destiny, occasion, manner, appropriated, circumscribed, defined portion, enclosed and complete in itself, standing, right, dwelling, occupation, possession, ownership, authority, tenure, residence, inhabit, habitation, living, holding, profession, employment, business, field, calling, vocation, pursuit, interest, rule, control, subjection, order, lawful, legitimate, requirement, guideline, ordinance, direction, custom, habit, standard, principle, truth, jurisdiction, power, dominion, government, sovereignty, leadership, supremacy, preside over, manage, lead, teach, mark, point, setting, venue, recognized, acknowledged, appreciation, respect, district, house, accommodation, property, domicile, abode, circumstances, seat, post, appointment, office, rank, status, estate, role, responsibility, task, function, concern, affair, charge, right, privilege, prerogative, station, identity, named, selected, called, choose, prefer, favor, assignment, belonging to someone, IS, sanctuary, safety, settled, resolved, devotion, dedication, commitment, confidence, trust, task, office, perform, establish, continue, sure, immovable, endure, make good, enjoin, valid, set up, knit together, assurance, gathered, made room for

H3676- כס KaS/A1159- kursya/G2362- θρονον thronon:  fulness, appointed, celebrated, covered, canopied, throne, seat, stool, be ruled, assembled to administer justice, throne of justice, associated with honor, power, authority, jurisdiction, royal seat, manifested glory of a king, kingship and the succession of the throne, reign over, ruler, to cover, make replete, defend and protect, uphold, cherish, nourish and feed, stately seat of power and authority, potentate, throne, powerful, permanent, to rule, govern, administer justice, honored, royal seat, manifested glory of a king, kingship and succession to the throne, reign, ruler, covered, sovereign power, dominion, jurisdiction, ownership, supremacy, control, ascendancy, influence, government, dominance, superiority, preeminence, hegemony, master, owner, administration, command, leadership, territory, domain, charge, right, mandate, prerogative, established, valid, lawful, legitimate, official, distinction, greatness, directive, to require, guide, decree, command, principle, preside over, manage, head, chief, monarch, be in charge, resolve, settle, decide, ordain, appoint, judge, determine, foremost, prevail, victorious, required, necessary, needful, must need

H7854- שטן ShaTaN/A1642- satana/G4567- σατανας satanas:  to lurk, persecute, hate, opposer, attack, accuse, adversary, resist, opponent, arch enemy of Good, plotter, one who devises means for opposition, render evil for good, distress, covered with reproach and dishonor, powers of darkness, enemy, speaking evil, harm, clothed in shame, cursed, killing, murderer, angry, greatly displeased, offender, provoke, inflict sorrows, rebuked, conflicting, inconsistent, devil, charged with crime or offense, wrong doer, called to account, one who disapproves and prevents especially by argument, one who actively resists and refuse to comply and is competitive against, set against, disagreeing, hostile, conflicting, averse, antagonistic, bitter, cruel, malicious, vicious, venomous, poisonous, virulent, aggressive, warlike, bad, brutal, violent, spiteful, malevolent, evil intentioned, vindictive, malign, hurtful, causing pain and suffering, immoral, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt, depraved, reprobate, villainous, sinister, atrocious, heinous, horrible, malignant, destructive, injurious, ruinous, depraved, degenerate, criminal, wretched, full of hate and envy

H270- אחז AKaZ/A47- ekhad/G2902-κρατων kraton:  to seize, holding in possession, fasten, possess, caught, bar, come upon, handle, grasp, hold fast, bolt down, property, belong to, ownership, family holdings, inheritable property, estate, union, joined, one, together, alike, daily, oneness that recognizes diversity, unify, gather, affinity, resemblance, kindred, related, ally, companion, choose, favor, approval, cherish, simply is alongside, follow, heed, answer from near beside, beloved, espoused, endear, strengthen, fortify, help, bind, repair, restrain, encourage, prevail, confirm, be constant, continue, stay and remain with, maintain, sustain, mend, restore, recover, retain, be sure, withstand, brace up, uphold, establish, covenant, verify, communicate, uplift, comfort, succor, nourish, feed, tend to, look after, keep alive in full flame, firm, solid, strong, well fed, healthy, honored, respected, remembered, fortress, refuge, sanctuary, defend and protect, shelter, castle, strong hold

H859- אתה ATaH/A133- at/*G:  now, always, appointed proper time and season, opportunity, fixed set time or period, suitable, regular, special occasion, straightaway, terminus, end, finish, accomplish, duration, perpetuity, eternal, everlasting, aim, testimony, witness, mastery, prince, recorder, someone present at legal transaction and can confirm if necessary, attest and confirm orally or by signature, able and willing to affirm the Truth of a transaction by affixing signature, signify Truthfulness of an act or agreement, attest to mutual relationship, advance, pass, continue, possession, vanishing point, remotest time, One who exited before creation was brought into existence, at the very beginning, Origin, Source, Fountainhead, continually without beginning or end, ever continuing, precede, meet, front, absolute fore part, antiquity, ancient, afore time, priority in time, precedence, former, first, bright object in the distance travelled toward, splendor, truthfulness, confidence, Guarantee, Assurance, victory, strength, constant, brilliancy, maintain, protect, preserve, keeper, tend, instruct, owner, mark, teach, distinct, dwelling, abide, stay, remain, reside, inhabit, generation, all ages, length, exist, it is I, I AM, exist, agree, have charge, hold, being, hope, belong, familiar, intimate, call, require, rest with, gain, win persons, obtain, inherit, receive, welcome, access, entrance, patrimony, share, partake, ordain, invite, devoted, communicate, participation, fellowship, communion, partner, companion, accompany, resemble, congruous in nature, present, give wholly to, taken, like-minded, similar spirit, equal and like soul, held in equal honor, cherish, beloved, harmonious, keep in full flame, enliven, flourish anew, taking responsibility of something to become security for, undertake and assume responsibility to exercise the assurance of fulfillment of promise, connected by bonds of nature or friendship, intimate, look after, care for, attend, union, pertaining to life, lead, receive in full, succeed, gird firmly and tightly, complete, perfect, knit together, carry and bear, endure with, accept by deliberate and ready reception, safeguard, oversee, recognition, acknowledgement, full discernment, complete comprehension, exact and full knowledge, in the presence of, permanent, confirmed, reconciled, impart life and enable to respond fully and instantly, assured, certain, made whole, healed, happy

H8034- שם ShaM/A2539- shema/ G3686- ονομα onoma:  conspicuous position, appellation, praise, mark, distinction, approval, authority, honor, character, memorial, name, renown, fame, reputation, memory, identification, property, inheritance, continuance, offspring, posterity, generation, set, appoint, ordain, regard, care, charge, commit, determine, impute, purpose, erect, set or put before one's mind, obligate, assign, consider, pay heed, fix, preserve, command, pledge, decide, decreed, engrave, incise, burn, brand, own, possess, occupy, plow, devise, keep, hold, glow, brilliant, shine, stamp, exact copy or representation, resemblance, teach diligently, learn, associate with, engross, impress, seal, correspond, complete similarity, sharpen, shew forth, rain, water, stake, badge of servitude, sign, rejoice, joyous, cheerful, glad, burnish, polish, shed rays, brighten, enlighten, lustrous, transparent, illuminate, full of light, witness, manifest, evident, emanation, discern, reception, favor, blessing, guidance, instruction, prosperity, called, surnamed, dignity, rank, majesty, power, excellence, of everything the name covers, expression of attributes, credit, benefit, known, acknowledgement, confession, recognition of authority combined with the reliance to rest upon, identified with, sake, account, mention, address, worship, reference, esteem, prestige, choose, nominate, earmark, defining, value, deal with, attend, respond, administer, conduct, direct, supervise, belonging to, register, enroll, title of honor and authority, confer, thought or feeling roused in mind by mentioning, hear, remember, of one's own freewill and authority, all the qualities by which God makes Self known to humanity equivalent to Aloha's Divinity, Essence, Nature, Divine Majesty, Perfection, magnified, consecrated, united in name and character, analogy, commemorate, embracing Truth AS IS, resting in union with Aloha, regardful of God's Name and Praise, come together to deliberate concerning any matter relating to Aloha's cause directed in regard for I AM's Name and Reputation, embracing and avowing Aloha's Name, defending Aloha's Authority

A115- haimanutha/G4102- πιστιν pistin:  trustworthy, full of trust, true, sure, constant, assurance, convinced, won over, reconciled, conciliate by fair means, assent to evidence and authority, rely on inward certainty, persuaded, have confidence, fully know, agree, yield to another's authority, submission due to persuasion or belief, prevail and won over bringing a change of mind by the influence of reason and moral consideration, obey, hearken, listen, hear, understand, perceive, discern, obedience resulting from persuasion to trust where disobedience is evidence of distrust, respect from the heart invisible to men but known by God, given wholly to, persuasion of truth that results in trust and obedience, conforming, suitable, agreement, actual and outward result of Truth as He Shows Forth His Way, certainty from knowing, conviction from full knowledge, credence and reliance on the truth, confide in, put one's trust in, dependable, can count on and be sure of, sound, whole, perfect, complete, fulfilled, satisfied, commitment, devotion, dedication, faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, loyalty, adherence, allegiance, abide and stay with, enduring, regard, meet, suitable, in the presence and company of daily to be fully acquainted, familiar, know well, wait for, touch, join, resemblance, likeness, reception, accept, face to face with, connection, answer, settled, clear, resolved, set right, rectify, put in order, determined, fix, named, established, set up, appoint, designate, choose, prefer, favor, accede to, make one's home in, put down roots in, occupy, possess, own, belonging to someone, marked, burned, taught, instructed, sealed, penetrated, sit down with, come to rest with, lodged, dwell, permanent, defend and protect, intent, firm, single minded about, resolute, purposed, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, immovable, wholehearted, earnest, zealous, passionate, simple, straightforward, crystal clear, evident, definite, manifest, beyond doubt, enlightened, brighten, bring light, solve, solution, rejoin, return, match, fit, correspond,  interpretable, intelligible, able to explain and make clear

H3808- לא LA/A1262- la/G3756- ου ou:  not, none, never, cannot, nothing, no, neither, without, not at all, in no wise, no more at all, by no means, in no case, not ever, not once, not even, not even one, not at all, without delay, not a whit, not even ever

H3722- כפר KaPhaR/A1215- kephar/*G:  forgive, cover, expiate, cancel debt, set at One, atone, purge, reconcile, cleansed, annul, appease, put off, pardon, pay for in full, merciful, gracious, propitiate, ransom, provide Substitute, satisfy, fulfill, undertake responsibility to cover over, defend, protect, vindicate, advocate, stand up for, redeem, approve, regain, favor, make Good, level, balance, mollify, make peace, amend, recover, restore, calm, conciliate, mediate, arbitrate, pour oil over, anoint, smooth, win over, assuage, make compatible, combine, gather, assemble

H3117- יום YaWM/A10360- yauma/G2250- ημερας emeras:  to be hot, day, warm, daily, ever, continually, full, always, whole, perpetually, present, remain, life, daylight, period, point of time or moment, year, tame, gentle, forever, time, age, hour, season, definite point of time, belonging to the right hour or season, timely, flourishing, beauteous, that which is seasonably produced at the right time, prime, time when anything is the loveliest and best, a period fixed by natural laws and revolutions, the best season, beautiful, to sit, dwell, immovable, stedfast, settled, fastened, fixed, abiding, enduring, set, married, complete, perfect, joined and coupled to stay and remain, peaceful, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, domesticated, bound, perpetuity, evermore, eternal, unbroken duration, indefinite duration, period marked by moral and spiritual characteristics in respects to increasing knowledge of God, stresses the quality of life, interminable duration, everlasting, endless, without end, permanence and unchangeableness, generation, begetting, successive, birth, whole, entire, origin, lineage, natural, delivered, gender, conceive, act of God, bring into special relationship with God, always uniquely related to God, anew from above, kin, fruit, offspring, children, kindred, people, maturity, full age, completeness, brought to its end, finished, wanting nothing necessary to completeness, consummate in integrity and virtue, full grown, end, having reached its end, full development, goodness, complete revelation of God's Will and Way, preserved, attained moral end for which is intended, completing of assigned purpose, accomplishment of purpose, consecrate, fulfill, verified, confirmed, absolution, performed, ripe, limit, concluded, fill up, carry out a thing the the full, result, termination, uttermost, what is paid, acme, regularly, earnestly, continued duration, unceasing, be ready always, present, close, honest, have conversation, return with, without interruption or intermission

H2372- חזה KaZaH/A758- kheza/*G:  gaze, perceive, contemplate with delight, vision of insight, behold, look at, choose, select, prefer, approval, cherish, delight in, grasp, possess, embrace, welcome, hold, keep, safeguard, favor, agreement, harmony, make known, reveal, Divine Revelation, communicating, received complete, whole, sound, view, appearance, take note, regard, heed, seen of God, bright, shining, show forth, sustain, strengthen, knit together, fortified, aware, realize, consider, have knowledge, sure, understand, to know absolutely, fullness of knowledge, know perfectly and completely, known, implies an active relationship between the one who knows and the person or thing known, to have an approving connection, standing very much related, to gaze with wide open eyes at something remarkable, earnest, more continued inspection, an inward impression or spiritual experience, mental occupation, that which is seen and understood, discern clearly, testimony, witness, care for, recover and receive sight, persons connected by bonds of nature or friendship in intimacy, must need, to kindle, keep alive in full flame, revive, to look again attentively, to view with interest, devotion, dedication, consecrated, to draw nigh, respect, looking away from all else at one object alone, sincerity without dissimulation or self seeking, simplicity, union, folded together, clear, appointed, determined, undivided, undistorted, clean, pure, unpolluted, unmixed, singleness of heart and mind and soul, unconditionally completely given over to, surrender, take fully, welcome, accept gladly without reservation, await with confidence, acknowledge, recognize upon a mark, settle, remain, stay, abide, dwell with, resemble, similar in sentiment, to be set at One, similitude, attached, taken, fasten, set on fire, cling to, lay hold of, have fellowship and close association with, to adhere, follow, practice, vital union between, own, belong to, occupy, immovable, perpetual, greet, draw to oneself, to teach to learn, constancy, faithfulness, loyalty, assimilate have access, willing, representation, corresponding, involved in essential relations with, to hear and obey, named, closest spiritual bond independent of space, gathered, nourish, protect, defend, entwined, have compassion, purchased and paid for, redeemed, distinguished, raise up, follow out to the end, yield to, accompany, rest in, rely, answer, appreciation, participation, envelop, overshadow, exerting influence, oversee, to visit and care for, confirm, make room for, present honorable emulation, communication of spiritual sustenance, enable to respond to His voice, respond fully and instantly, touched, connected, reconciled, mutuality, communion, common experience together, contribution, contact, trace out and conform

H7717- שהד SaHaD/A1609- sahda/G3114- μαρτυς martus:  record, witness, testify, name, make known and clear, point out forth, report, one who bears witness by his death, to attest in affirmation or exhortation, take to record, summon as a witness to confirm solemnly, adjure, give evidence, report, testimony, evidential, proclaim the truth, bear witness to the power of truth and its effects, bear record, charge, named, selected, chosen, ordained and appointed to affirm that which one has seen or heard or experienced, taught by Divine Revelation or Inspiration, to certify, corroborate, verify, substantiate, authenticate, demonstrate, show, prove, endorse, support, bear out, give credence, vouch for, evince, approve, favor, guarantee, validate, provide evidence, give proof, accredit, recognize, acknowledge, authorize, license, warrant, assurance, pledge, oath, vow, bond, commitment, covenant, secure, surety, collateral, earnest, underwrite, promise, swear to the fact, undertake, assume, shoulder, be responsible for, engage in, participate and take part in, set about, endeavor, take the charge of, in control of, at the helm, be accountable, liable, reliable, answerable, important, powerful, executive, bring to completion, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, dutiful, obliged, answer, respond, legal or moral obligation, assigned, designated, called upon, fulfill, satisfy, entrusted, carry out to the full end, reveal, show forth, account, perform, conduct, remind, written, Word, official, confidence, honest, willing to die for the truth, take one's stand, state and prove a claim, show to be true, demonstrate the truth of, show beyond doubt, manifest, enlighten, produce evidence or proof, give substance to, determine, ratify, document, endorse, accept, uphold, formalize, sign, agree, sanction, approbation, back, imprint, impress, stamp, seal, mark, fix firmly in one's mind, remember, trust, reproduce, go into press, brand, inscribe, etch, establish, stick, lodge, implant, embed, instill, inculcate, impact, lasting effect, influence, trace and conform to the truth, teach, instruct, show forth, drive in, fasten

A517- dil/*G:  own, belong to, alone, one to another, thine own, own self, One, mine own, self same, this, -selves, one to another, you, your own, yourselves, itself, myself, permit, leave alone, suffer, yield, allow, let be, commit, mine own, self same, therewith, thereby, these things, this, those, very, which, together, personally, with own hands, involved, intimate, belonging to a particular person, devoted, committed, dedicated, loyal, faithful, involving actual presence of, intend, concerning, relationships, connected, join, union, referring to character and nature of, existing as a self aware entity, of a person, occupation, possession, ownership, property of, distinctive, characteristic, unique, individual, one's own, particular, peculiar, actual, in the flesh, confidential, close, dear, direct, first hand, immediate, experiential, soul, mind, heart, inner being, spirit, allow, authorize, give permission, sanction, grant, give someone the right, empower, enable, entitle, qualify, give blessing, consent, assent, agree, legal, legitimate, accede, warrant, affirm

A114- mhaimna/G4103- πιστοι pistoi:  trustworthy, full of trust, true, sure, constant, assurance, convinced, won over, reconciled, conciliate by fair means, assent to evidence and authority, rely on inward certainty, persuaded, have confidence, fully know, agree, yield to another's authority, submission due to persuasion or belief, prevail and won over bringing a change of mind by the influence of reason and moral consideration, obey, hearken, listen, hear, understand, perceive, discern, obedience resulting from persuasion to trust where disobedience is evidence of distrust, respect from the heart invisible to men but known by God, given wholly to, persuasion of truth that results in trust and obedience, conforming, suitable, agreement, actual and outward result of Truth as He Shows Forth His Way, certainty from knowing, conviction from full knowledge, credence and reliance on the truth, confide in, put one's trust in, dependable, can count on and be sure of, sound, whole, perfect, complete, fulfilled, satisfied, commitment, devotion, dedication, faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, loyalty, adherence, allegiance, abide and stay with, enduring, regard, meet, suitable, in the presence and company of daily to be fully acquainted, familiar, know well, wait for, touch, join, resemblance, likeness, reception, accept, face to face with, connection, answer, settled, clear, resolved, set right, rectify, put in order, determined, fix, named, established, set up, appoint, designate, choose, prefer, favor, accede to, make one's home in, put down roots in, occupy, possess, own, belonging to someone, marked, burned, taught, instructed, sealed, penetrated, sit down with, come to rest with, lodged, dwell, permanent, defend and protect, intent, firm, single minded about, resolute, purposed, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, immovable, wholehearted, earnest, zealous, passionate, simple, straightforward, crystal clear, evident, definite, manifest, beyond doubt, enlightened, brighten, bring light, solve, solution, rejoin, return, match, fit, correspond,  interpretable, intelligible, able to explain and make clear

A1347- metul/*G:  on account of, for the sake of, on behalf of, because, in order that, about, for this purpose, resemblance, likeness, similitude, concerning, reason, result of, consequence, due, by virtue of, effect, ramification, concomitant, aftermath, fruit, product, end, importance, significance, substance, mark, note, prominence, value, concern, interest, care, regard, effect of an action or condition, relevance, distinction, accept responsibility, following closely, go in the same direction or way, parallel, undertake, carry out, conform to, support, mention, remember, back, adhere, cling to, advocate, answer, be near and close, ensuing, succeeding, subsequent, heir, achieve, lead to, become, inherit, take place, come close after, intimate connection, faithful devotion, dedication, commitment, cherish, knit together, enfold, include, encircle, hold, keep, continuous, fulfill, satisfy, resolve, finalize, complete, made perfect, conclusive, permanent, joined, union, adjacent, reach, evenly matched, similitude, immediate, direct, dear, inseparable, attached, special, best, firm, strong, careful, attentive, conscientious, focused, possession, ownership, occupation, vigilant, watchful, keen, alert, strict, exact, precise, accurate, approval, appreciation, agree, secure, sealed, settle, establish, confirm, fixed, finished, lasting, enduring, perpetual, eternal, abiding, constant, standing, stable, steadfast, stay and remain, unchanging, continuing without interruption, remaining to the end, stay in the place that one has been occupying, continue to possess a particular quality, fulfill a particular role, prevail, available, triumph, victorious, come out on top, superior, overcome, rule, reign, govern, regulated, be the order of the day, customary, be in force and effect, persuaded, convinced, conviction, powerful, current, relevant, fresh, new, verified, belonging to, certainty, assurance, confidence, trust, sureness, doubtless, poise, peace, calm, quiet, guarantee, bond, honor, respect, covenant, security, earnest, fulfill, bring to completion and reality, realize, understand, fully develop abilities and character, meet, suitable, fit, sound, whole, fill to the full

H3605- כל KaL/A1168- kul/*G:  to complete, perfect, finish, set up, establish, whole, all, any and every, in all manner altogether, everyone, whosoever, entirety, signify everything in a given whole, unify what is otherwise not a unit or in union, brought to complete end, to cease, accomplish, done, ended, fulfilled, fully reap, clean riddance, quite take away, wholly bring to pass, stop, end of a process or action, disappearance of something, coming to an end, successfully complete, determined, firm, solid, devoted, dedication, commitment, coupled, settled, resolved, always, daily, all means, any one, ever, as many as, thoroughly, entirely, at all times, evermore, all the way, at all events, surely, must need, no doubt, sincere, honest, truthful, authentic, genuine, legitimate, verified, confirmed, certain, Assurance, Guarantee

H7717- שהד SaHaD/A1609- sahda/*G:  record, witness, testify, name, make known and clear, point out forth, report, one who bears witness by his death, to attest in affirmation or exhortation, take to record, summon as a witness to confirm solemnly, adjure, give evidence, report, testimony, evidential, proclaim the truth, bear witness to the power of truth and its effects, bear record, charge, named, selected, chosen, ordained and appointed to affirm that which one has seen or heard or experienced, taught by Divine Revelation or Inspiration, to certify, corroborate, verify, substantiate, authenticate, demonstrate, show, prove, endorse, support, bear out, give credence, vouch for, evince, approve, favor, guarantee, validate, provide evidence, give proof, accredit, recognize, acknowledge, authorize, license, warrant, assurance, pledge, oath, vow, bond, commitment, covenant, secure, surety, collateral, earnest, underwrite, promise, swear to the fact, undertake, assume, shoulder, be responsible for, engage in, participate and take part in, set about, endeavor, take the charge of, in control of, at the helm, be accountable, liable, reliable, answerable, important, powerful, executive, bring to completion, trustworthy, faithful, dependable, dutiful, obliged, answer, respond, legal or moral obligation, assigned, designated, called upon, fulfill, satisfy, entrusted, carry out to the full end, reveal, show forth, account, perform, conduct, remind, written, Word, official, confidence, honest, willing to die for the truth, take one's stand, state and prove a claim, show to be true, demonstrate the truth of, show beyond doubt, manifest, enlighten, produce evidence or proof, give substance to, determine, ratify, document, endorse, accept, uphold, formalize, sign, agree, sanction, approbation, back, imprint, impress, stamp, seal, mark, fix firmly in one's mind, remember, trust, reproduce, go into press, brand, inscribe, etch, establish, stick, lodge, implant, embed, instill, inculcate, impact, lasting effect, influence, trace and conform to the truth, teach, instruct, show forth, drive in, fasten

A517- dil/*G:  own, belong to, alone, one to another, thine own, own self, One, mine own, self same, this, -selves, one to another, you, your own, yourselves, itself, myself, permit, leave alone, suffer, yield, allow, let be, commit, mine own, self same, therewith, thereby, these things, this, those, very, which, together, personally, with own hands, involved, intimate, belonging to a particular person, devoted, committed, dedicated, loyal, faithful, involving actual presence of, intend, concerning, relationships, connected, join, union, referring to character and nature of, existing as a self aware entity, of a person, occupation, possession, ownership, property of, distinctive, characteristic, unique, individual, one's own, particular, peculiar, actual, in the flesh, confidential, close, dear, direct, first hand, immediate, experiential, soul, mind, heart, inner being, spirit, allow, authorize, give permission, sanction, grant, give someone the right, empower, enable, entitle, qualify, give blessing, consent, assent, agree, legal, legitimate, accede, warrant, affirm

A114- mhaimna/*G:  trustworthy, full of trust, true, sure, constant, assurance, convinced, won over, reconciled, conciliate by fair means, assent to evidence and authority, rely on inward certainty, persuaded, have confidence, fully know, agree, yield to another's authority, submission due to persuasion or belief, prevail and won over bringing a change of mind by the influence of reason and moral consideration, obey, hearken, listen, hear, understand, perceive, discern, obedience resulting from persuasion to trust where disobedience is evidence of distrust, respect from the heart invisible to men but known by God, given wholly to, persuasion of truth that results in trust and obedience, conforming, suitable, agreement, actual and outward result of Truth as He Shows Forth His Way, certainty from knowing, conviction from full knowledge, credence and reliance on the truth, confide in, put one's trust in, dependable, can count on and be sure of, sound, whole, perfect, complete, fulfilled, satisfied, commitment, devotion, dedication, faithfulness, fidelity, constancy, loyalty, adherence, allegiance, abide and stay with, enduring, regard, meet, suitable, in the presence and company of daily to be fully acquainted, familiar, know well, wait for, touch, join, resemblance, likeness, reception, accept, face to face with, connection, answer, settled, clear, resolved, set right, rectify, put in order, determined, fix, named, established, set up, appoint, designate, choose, prefer, favor, accede to, make one's home in, put down roots in, occupy, possess, own, belonging to someone, marked, burned, taught, instructed, sealed, penetrated, sit down with, come to rest with, lodged, dwell, permanent, defend and protect, intent, firm, single minded about, resolute, purposed, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, immovable, wholehearted, earnest, zealous, passionate, simple, straightforward, crystal clear, evident, definite, manifest, beyond doubt, enlightened, brighten, bring light, solve, solution, rejoin, return, match, fit, correspond,  interpretable, intelligible, able to explain and make clear

A66- aina/*G:  strong affirmation, yes, yea, even so, truth, verily, surely, indeed, doubtless, answer, assent to an assertion, confirmation of an assertion, in solemn asseveration, assuredly, abiding, uphold, support, ratify, endorse, sanction, sustain, approve, agree to, champion, defend, continue, preserve, maintain, protect, keep, hold to, back, stand fixed, verity, sincerity, honesty, accuracy, correctness, validate, authenticate, genuine, actual, real, certain, principle, law, in fact, faithfulness, fidelity, devotion, consecrated, reliable, dependable, ethical, moral, virtuous, straightforward, good, precise, exact, close, constant, loyal, allegiance, obedience, strictness, unswerving, steadfast, dedicated, committed, unerring, faultless, on the mark, legitimate, lawful, legal, authoritative, right, verifiable, in accord with, documented, unwavering, permanent, earnest, changeless, Will Of Aloha, settled, determined, commitment, faithfulness, dedication, loyalty, Truth, resolved, singleness of purpose, eye, focus, attention, regard, remembrance, fountain, spring, Origin, Source of all being, Creator, desire, intent, longing, cherish, beloved, assertion of confirmation, assurance, assuredly, even so as is, it is responsive and confirmatory of the substance of some question or statement, firm, solid, authentic, legitimate, fact, uphold, upright, righteous, most emphatic, fulfilled, Given, true

H4480- מן MaN/A1388- men/*G:  a part of, from, out of, follow, with, among, over, above, because, apportion, accord, denoting origin the point whence motion or action proceeds, from, out of place, time, or cause either direct or remote, of, by, with, beyond, by the means of, exceeding, abundantly above, for, because, by reason of, since, thenceforth, through, of completion, unfolding, opening out, of something tied together or rolled up, utterly, entirely, out and out, denoting completion and perfection, joined, beyond measure, by equality, in equal proportion, of the measure or standard, by consent or agreement, of source, of direction whence, in which lies the idea, from day to day, proceeding from, succession, series, forthwith, instant, attraction, coalesce as it were into one, resolving, settle, of that from which a rule of judging or acting is derived, source of conduct, as to be found in the state of the soul, of the whole of which anything is a part, of that from which anything is obtained, Origin, belongs to, of the supply out of which a thing is taken, given, received, eaten, drunken, etc., close connection, from the interior, emanating from, derived, of the place forth from which one does anything, heart, from the midst of, after, choosing, to be of a number, company, fellowship, community, group, regard, conception, of the direction whence, of the condition or state out of which one comes or is brought forth, alive from being dead, reconciled, dissolution, liberate and free, vindicate, cause, Source, from the Divine nature, name, author

H6991- קטל QaTaL/A2179- qetal/G615- απεκτανθησαν apektanthesan:  clip off, cut off, destroy, put to death, slay, kill, butcher, to slaughter, maim violently, wound, victim for sacrifice, taking human life, assassination, destruction, strain of sorrow, slain victim, death, off away from something near, separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, taking of life, murder, abolish, lead away, carry away, strangle, end life, assassinate, eliminate, terminate, finish off, execute, massacre, wipe out, annihilate, exterminate, mow down, put an end to, extinguish, dash, ruin, wreck, shatter, smash, crush, exhaust, wear out, sap, enervate, knock out, hurt, cause pain and suffering to, torment, torture, defeat, overrule, overturn, demolish, spoil, damage, disrupt, upset, frustrate, devastate, obliterate, eradicate, erase, appointed to death, deadly, cease to function, demise, expire, lifeless

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

οιδα G1492 [τα G3588 εργα G2041 σου G4675 και G2532 που G4226] κατοικεις G2730 [οπου G3699 ο G3588] θρονος G2362 [του G3588] σατανα G4567 [και G2532] κρατεις G2902 [το G3588] ονομα G3686 [μου G3450 και G2532] ουκ G3756 [ηρνησω G720 την G3588] πιστιν G4102 [μου G3450 και G2532 εν G1722 ταις G3588] ημεραις G2250 [εν G1722 αις G3739 αντιπας G493 ο G3588] μαρτυς G3144 [μου G3450 ο G3588] πιστος G4103 [ος G3739] απεκτανθη G615 [παρ G3844 υμιν G5213 οπου G3699 κατοικει G2730 ο G3588 σατανας G4567]

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation based on study.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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