Friday, June 19, 2015

Revelation 1:6

Revelation 1:6

iBoS:  Cover Of Assurance, Legitimate Mediator, Most High Originator, Guiding Light Restore Harmony Eternal In Faithfulness.

Etheridge:  and hath made us a priestly kingdom unto Aloha and his Father;  to whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever.  Amen.

AENT:  and has made us a Kingdom of priests to Elohim the Father:  to whom be glory and power, for ever and ever.  Amen.

Magiera:  and made us a priestly kingdom of Alaha, even his Father. To him [be] glory and dominion, forever and ever.  Amen.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Cover  AiBaD/evad H5647/A1724 
Assurance  lamed A1261 
Legitimate  MaLKaTh/malkutha H4438/A1385 
Mediate  KaHaN/kahnatha H3548/A1137 
Most High  ALaH/alaha H433/A93 
Father/Originator  AB/ava H1/A2 lamed A1261 
Reveal/Guiding Light  teshbukhta A2432 
Sustain/Verify/Restore  AKaZ/akhdana H270/A49 
Harmonious/Authentic/Eternal  AiLaM/alma H5769/A1813 
Harmonious/Authentic/Eternal  AiLaM/alma H5769/A1813 
Support/Permanent/Faithful  AMaN/amin H539/A110 

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

H5647- עבד AiBaD/A1724- evad/G4160- εποιησεν epoiesen:  to cover, serve willingly with gladness, worship, cultivate, dress, hearken diligently, love, cherish, defend and protect, execute the service of Aloha, prepare, keep, do, make, surround, deed, work of any kind, act, labor in the field, wrought, bring about, raise, choose, prefer, approval, favor, attend, present, minister to, wait upon, contribute, honor, venerate, respect, consecrate, caring, devotion, dedication, commitment, steward over, active participation and involvement, personal, meet, suitable, agreeable, harmonious, fulfill, cause, continue, gave, commit, carry, bear, endure, sustain, support, bring forth, shew, deal, perform, abide, agree, appoint, avenge, exercise, gain, have, hold, observe, ordain, provide, purpose, secure, spend, bringing forth fruit, effect, influence, practice, accomplish, require, an action complete in itself, productive, build, create, yield, grow, supply, furnish, give birth to, deliver, originate, compose, present, offer, put forward, give rise to, engender, result, finish, end, complete, conclude, bring to a conclusion, discharge, satisfy, consume, come to an end, close, carry out to the full, engage, enact, be responsible for, devote, apply, pledge, certify, produce, form, fashion, make a path, lead, call attention to, operative, to be author and cause of, afford, join, to hold consultation, deliberate, execute judgment, generative force, make ready, acquire, gain, owner, possession, enlarge, increase, Way, mode of action, manner, conduct, behave, rule of action, purpose, intent, Will, desire, plan, course of action, perform duties, undertake responsibility for, means, answer, fruitful, productive, efficient, effective

A1261- lamed/*G:  affirmation, conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stand, set forth, explained, explicative force, for, the fact is, namely, thus the force is conclusive or demonstrative, declaratory, conclusive force, answer, assuredly, profess, herein then is assuredly, certainly, approval, adduce the cause and give the reason of preceding statement or opinion, assigns reason why, for the authority of, established, proved to be correct, commanded, direction

H4438- מלכה MaLKaTh/A1385- malkutha/G935- βασιλεις basileia:  dominion, rule, reign, realm, empire, estate, king over, royal, ascend the throne, consulted, indeed, sure, set up, established, ruler commander over, chief, head, central, important,  foundation of power, sovereignty, king, ruler, kingship, established, rulership, governor, have dominion, royalty, kingdom, royal power, potentate, lord, master, controller, owner, leader, prince, premier, supremacy, ascendency, superiority, preeminence, authority, control, command, jurisdiction, possession, protectorate, protector, right, legitimate, legal, lawful, founder, builder, creator, savior, someone having power, authority and influence, proprietor, have ward or charge, bread keeper, judge, redeemer, vindicator, fulfill, satisfy, hold and keep, abiding, enduring, honorable, triumphant, dignity, royal  power and dignity belonging to Aloha, Divine Origin, founded by God, of Divine Nature, consummate establishment, benefit, advantage, condition of blessedness, potency, reception, noteworthy, fit, suitable, appropriate, belonging to a King, worthy, God's rule and administration, subject to God's sway, God's royal domain, royal courts, victorious, to exercise kingly power, possessing kingly rank, denote the supreme moral dignity, liberty, blessing enjoyed, to exercise the highest influence, to control, principal

H3548- כהן KaHaN/A1137- kahnatha/G2409- ιερεις iereis:  serve, mediate, officiate, minister, chief ruler, prince, lead, guide, teach, direct, conduct, institute, ordain, devoted, set apart, sacred, affinity, related, familiar, known, established, maintain, uphold, uplift, lawful, legitimate, resolved, settled, belonging to Most High YHWH for His Use and Purpose Only, having authority to perform and administer, tool and instrument of YaH, servant of Most High, elder, foremost, oversee, watch over, keep, observe, obedient, One Who Goes Before To Lead Forth Unto YaH, faithful, trustworthy, steward, dependable, reliable, connected and joined with YaH For His Purpose, Embodiment of YaH's Will And Law, consecrated, dedicated, Christ, Chief and First to offer sacrifice and has charge of everything pertaining to the sacred and holy, consecrated to deity and pertaining to God, divine origin, principal Ruler devoutly revered, origin of worship, the active cause of worship, original immutable High Priest, Royal High Priest, Chief of the priests, Head Shepherd, Ruler of worship, ordained to minister and serve before God and having the authority to perform and administer according to His Will, one who speaks forth the Will and Thoughts of God, royal, inspired by God, Word of God, regarded with great respect and reverence, Blessed, venerated, inviolable, protected, defended, secure, untouchable, invulnerable, important, valuable, useful, suitable, agreeable, honored,  inalienable, unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor, absolute, untransferable, nonnegotiable, total, not subject to any limitation, unconditional, final, principle, universally valid, ultimate, able to exist without being dependent on anything else, freed, absolve, complete, entire, perfect, pure, thorough, undivided, unadulterated, unalloyed, unmodified, unreserved, undiluted, consummate, certain, definite, sure, unequivocal, conclusive, confirmed, infinite, supreme, sovereign, omnipotent, free from sin, legitimate, right, devoted to the service of God, Righteous, whole, sound, pious, Good, of God, devoted to God, excellent, delightful, associated and derived from God, treasured, admirable, main, rule, to govern, needful, necessary, appropriate, finished, great, make something whole and perfect, finish making or doing, to fulfill, equal, full, end, discharged, settled, finalized, done, wrap up, veritable, prize, complement, crown, fill in, recognized, sufficient, without reservation or limitation, fit, prepared, unambiguous, wholehearted, without doubt, clear, plain, explicit, manifest

H433- אלה ALaH/A93- alaha/G2316- θεος theos:  Supreme God, Exceedingly Mighty Ruler Of Divine Majesty And Power, Superior And Preeminent To Deliver Victorious, Most High, Highest, Preeminent, Source Of Life, One True God, Greatest, Superior, Character, Attribute, Impressive, God Who revealed Himself in power and enters into covenant relationship with humanity, supernatural provision and power, Holy, Creator, Savior, covenant involves God's care and love for His family, ethical, righteous, Everlasting God Of Eternity, continuity, stability, veneration of God, Supreme Deity, Magistrate, Yehowah Elohim, His Power and Preeminence, Unoriginated Immutable Eternal Self Sustained Existence, Unity, Almighty Highest Most High, Infinite Creator and Savior, Faithful, Mercy, Love, Truth, Word, Ruler and Owner of all, Source of all moral authority, Master Teacher, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, of the thing of which God is Author, things of God, Counsel, things due to God, because He Is As Is, things respecting and pertaining to God, wholly devoted to God and for which alone one lives, resemblance, similitude, at One

H1- אב AB/A2- ava/G3962- πατρι patri:  father, chief, principal, head, familial relationship, parallel to mother, parents, Originator, Founder, progenitor, First, Teacher, husband, advisor, counselor, lord, ruler, beget, sovereignty, fruitful

A1261- lamed/*G:  affirmation, conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stand, set forth, explained, explicative force, for, the fact is, namely, thus the force is conclusive or demonstrative, declaratory, conclusive force, answer, assuredly, profess, herein then is assuredly, certainly, approval, adduce the cause and give the reason of preceding statement or opinion, assigns reason why, for the authority of, established, proved to be correct, commanded, direction

A2432- teshbukhta/G1391- δοξαν doxan:  very visible and apparent, manifest, honor, dignity, glory, praise, worship, exhibited, shone forth, revealed character and nature of God, everlasting power and Divinity, His attributes and power revealed, manifested perfection of His character and righteousness, due acknowledgement and recognition of His exhibited attributes and ways, source from whom all divine splendor and perfection proceed in their manifestation and to whom they belong, character and ways of God exhibited and manifested in Christ and by the indwelling of His Spirit in His children in His likeness and resemblance, brightness, supernatural emanation from God, His Name and Reputation, ascription of praise to God, appearance commanding respect and reverence, magnificence, excellence, high renown and honor won by notable achievements, thanksgiving offered to God, greatness, distinction, special cause of delight and respect, heavenly, luminous, take pleasure and delight in, enthusiastic piety expressed, exclamation of surprise and delight, state of extreme joy and exaltation, eminence, recognition, adoration, veneration, homage, resplendence, majesty, nobility, rejoice and bask in, clear and obvious to the eye or mind, display by one's acts or appearance, demonstrate, make evident, prove, declaration, record, show, exhibit, present, sign, indicate, attest, establish, substantiate, confirm, plain, palpable, overt, glaring, transparent, conspicuous, undisguised, noticeable, stand out, marked, pronounced, prominent, striking, worthy, deserving effort, attention and respect, suitable, important, notable, fit, righteous, good, moral, ethical, upright, principle, pure, Light Giver, Leading Light, Master, Guiding Light

H270- אחז AKaZ/A49- akhdana/G2904- κρατος kratos:  to seize, holding in possession, fasten, possess, caught, bar, come upon, handle, grasp, hold fast, bolt down, property, belong to, ownership, family holdings, inheritable property, estate, union, joined, one, together, alike, daily, oneness that recognizes diversity, unify, gather, affinity, resemblance, kindred, related, ally, companion, choose, favor, approval, cherish, simply is alongside, follow, heed, answer from near beside, beloved, espoused, endear, strengthen, fortify, help, bind, repair, restrain, encourage, prevail, confirm, be constant, continue, stay and remain with, maintain, sustain, mend, restore, recover, retain, be sure, withstand, brace up, uphold, establish, covenant, verify, communicate, uplift, comfort, succor, nourish, feed, tend to, look after, keep alive in full flame, firm, solid, strong, well fed, healthy, honored, respected, remembered, fortress, refuge, sanctuary, defend and protect, shelter, castle, strong hold

H5769- עלם AiLaM/A1813- alma/G165- αιωνων aionon:  eternity, vanishing point, concealed, unknown, everlasting, perpetual, ancient, always, One Who existed before creation, at the very beginning, precreation, without beginning without end and ever continuing, veil from sight, unknowable, covered, Supreme Highest Most High, uttermost, orderly arrangement, harmonious, divinely ordered and arranged, Way, a state in which everything is in its correct or appropriate place and order, a state in which the laws and rules are observed and authority is obeyed, lawful, prescribed and established procedure followed, administration or authority prescribed, command, direction, instruction, Word, grade, rank, principle position, bound, Character, institution founded for purpose for association, quality, nature, importance, uniform established code or designation, equation, expression, manifestation, show forth, reaching the Highest Derivative, methodical or appropriate Way, in the correct condition of operation, resemblance, ownership, possession, occupation, rule, governance, right, Law, acceptable, suitable, fit, system, succession, symmetry, regularity, peace, discipline, calm, quiet, decree, mandate, ordinance, commission, contract, covenant, promise, family, community, fellowship, congregation, remain and stay with, union, joined, kind, caliber, standard, reside and live with, household, enjoin, charge, straight, in position, approval, cherish, result of arranging preparations, agreement, composition, settled, belonging to, display, alignment, allegiance, trust, provisions, understanding, pact, orchestration, instrumentation, harmony and accord in opinion and feeling, a position or result of agreeing, dovetail, fit together, a negotiated and binding arrangement, absence of incompatibility, consistency, same, make agreeable, concur, corresponding, consensus, assent, consent, acquiescence, endorsement, like mindedness, support, uphold, back, substantiate, authenticate, validate, legitimate, genuine assimilation

H5769- עלם AiLaM/A1813- alma/G165- αιωνων aionon:  eternity, vanishing point, concealed, unknown, everlasting, perpetual, ancient, always, One Who existed before creation, at the very beginning, precreation, without beginning without end and ever continuing, veil from sight, unknowable, covered, Supreme Highest Most High, uttermost, orderly arrangement, harmonious, divinely ordered and arranged, Way, a state in which everything is in its correct or appropriate place and order, a state in which the laws and rules are observed and authority is obeyed, lawful, prescribed and established procedure followed, administration or authority prescribed, command, direction, instruction, Word, grade, rank, principle position, bound, Character, institution founded for purpose for association, quality, nature, importance, uniform established code or designation, equation, expression, manifestation, show forth, reaching the Highest Derivative, methodical or appropriate Way, in the correct condition of operation, resemblance, ownership, possession, occupation, rule, governance, right, Law, acceptable, suitable, fit, system, succession, symmetry, regularity, peace, discipline, calm, quiet, decree, mandate, ordinance, commission, contract, covenant, promise, family, community, fellowship, congregation, remain and stay with, union, joined, kind, caliber, standard, reside and live with, household, enjoin, charge, straight, in position, approval, cherish, result of arranging preparations, agreement, composition, settled, belonging to, display, alignment, allegiance, trust, provisions, understanding, pact, orchestration, instrumentation, harmony and accord in opinion and feeling, a position or result of agreeing, dovetail, fit together, a negotiated and binding arrangement, absence of incompatibility, consistency, same, make agreeable, concur, corresponding, consensus, assent, consent, acquiescence, endorsement, like mindedness, support, uphold, back, substantiate, authenticate, validate, legitimate, genuine assimilation

H539- אמן AMaN/A110- amin/*G:  to build up or support, to foster, parent, render firm and faithful, to trust, be permanent, quiet, content, true, certain, assurance, sure, established, verified, steadfast, continuance, father, bring up, nurse, stand fast, endure, lasting, trustworthy, anchor firm, immovable, able to fulfill obligation and responsibility, entrusted one, elder worthy of trust, keeping covenant and mercy, approval, fixed in one spot, determined, devotion, dedication, commitment, resolved, settled, affirmed, secure, safe, sound, stable, fidelity, dependable, reliable, remain in one place, abiding, honest, genuine, authentic, legitimate, righteous, perpetual faithfulness, loving kindness, remembered, maintained, strength, courage, mountain of refuge, bind, joined, union, knit together as One, confirmed, fortified, pillar, no doubt, harmonious, constant, agreement, of a truth

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

[και G2532] εποιησεν G4160 [ημας G2248] βασιλεις G935 [και G2532] ιερεις G2409 [τω G3588] θεω G2316 [και G2532] πατρι G3962 [αυτου G846 αυτω G846 η G3588] δοξα G1391 [και G2532 το G3588] κρατος G2904 [εις G1519 τους G3588] αιωνας G165 [των G3588] αιωνων G165 αμην G281

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation based on study.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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