Saturday, June 27, 2015

Revelation 1:13

Revelation 1:13

iBoS:  Nourish in Devotion, I AM Way connect humanity, cover to cherish in Union Of Approval, Covenant Genuine.

Magiera:  And in the middle of the lampstands [was one] like the form of a man clothed with an ephod and his breasts girded with a girdle of gold.

Etheridge:  And in the midst of the candlestick (one) who was like the Son of man, clothed to the foot, and girded about his paps with a circlet of gold.

English Equivalent/Hebrew Transliteration/Aramaic pronunciation/Hebrew Strong’s #/Aramaic LWM # Interlinear:

Ownership/Nourish  metsatha A1416 
Comfort/Devotion  MaNaRaH/menarta H4501/A1402 
Abiding/I AM  AYK/aik H349/A60 
Way/Connection  DaMWT/demutha H1823/A542 
humanity  baranasha A325 
Cover/Protect  LaBaSh/levesh H3847/A1272 
Fasten/Cherish  APhWD/aphuda H646/A174 
Union/Companionship  ASaR/esar H631/A160 
Presence/Approve  tseid A2105 
Devotion/Assurance  BY/teda H994/A2640 
Union/Covenant  ASaR/esar H632/A164 
Whole/Genuine  ZaHaR/dahva H2094/A489  

Hebrew Root Word/Aramaic/Greek/English Expanded Exhaustive Definitions:

A1416- metsatha/G3319- μεσω meso:  accompaniment amid, association, succession, joined intimately, occupying, possession, ownership, rule, governance, regulation, influence, control, with, among, set, established, together, relation of proximity and participation, transfer, sequence, elevation, heaven, abode of Most High, happiness, power, prosperity, eternity, eternal dwelling place of Most High, ascending above all the heavens, uncreated sphere of YaH's abode, on high, spiritual, to rise, lifted high above, mount on high, preeminent, prominent, distinct, above, great, imperial, powerful, prevailing, accomplished, established, enduring, everlasting, highest most high, important, chief, divine, deity, of righteousness, certainty, faithfulness, sure, devotion, dedication, conviction, commitment, loyalty, fidelity, distinct, pure, clear, clean, promoted, advance, upgrade, prefer, favor, choice, ennoble, step up, mountain, heights, greatest, grandeur, nobility, loftiness, majesty, sublime, being elevated, lift up, raise, rear, bring up, amount to, level up, augment, increase, adored, cherished, treasured, held and kept dear, near and close beside, continue, endure, lasting, abiding, stay and remain with, move to a higher level and position, set upright, made right, construct and build, bring to the surface from below, save, deliver, reunite, increase amount, level and strength of, promote, champion, support, foster, nourish, back, uphold, bring back from death, establish to stand firm, correspond, uplift, escalate, magnify, boost, assemble, acquire, accumulate, enlist, call up, present, awaken, engender, produce, induce, kindle, arouse, keep alive in full flame, nurture, look after, care for, tend, educate, train, keep, grow, cultivate, fulfill

H4501- מנרה MaNaRaH/A1402- menarta/G3087- λυχνιας luknias:  repose, consolation, abode, rest, comfort, quiet, still, retreat, yoke, complete, union, joined, home, settled, resolved, devotion, commitment, provision, enroll, counted, related, approval, cherish, embrace, accept, welcome, choice, associate, familiar, know, acquainted, shining, bright, enlighten, illuminate, represent, resemblance, likeness, assimilation, similitude, vessel, channel, acknowledge, recognition, named, ownership, possession, occupation, employment, useful, service, have understanding, plow, teach, show forth, lamp

H349- איח AYK/A60- aik/*G:  habitation, abiding, eye, fountain, Face To face, in the presence of, present, sight, countenance, resemblance, spring, seeing, desire, longing, devotion, faithfulness, moral guide, agreement, appropriate, characteristic, reference to a person of thing of the same kind, another having similar qualities, faithful resemblance to the Original, satisfy, pay for in full, meet, fulfill, choose, prefer, favor, regard, care for, pleased, representation, small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like, specimen, analogous, Record or extract for reuse as a part of something, similar in position, structure and origin but not necessary in function, pairing, pattern, consistent, having a common descent, uniform, identical duplicate, fidelity, true, unswerving, dependable, reliable, constant, steadfast, resolved, resolute, authentic, legitimate, genuine, accurate, exact, on the mark, enduring, eternal, endless, regular, unchanging, firm, verified, unwavering, Given, upright, principled, truthful, level, balanced, sound, whole, healthy, complete on target, sure, certain, definite, assurance, guaranteed, absolute, evident, plain, clear, conclusive, established, effective, secure, safe, substantiated, appointed, done, protected from harm and danger, sheltered, at ease, sealed, fortify, strengthen, uphold, possession, occupation, rule, ownership, kept fixed so as not to give way nor become loose or lost, certain to remain and continue safe and unharmed, having provisions for, stable, having no doubt about attainment, victorious, attached firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost, succeed despite difficulties, having a right to take possession of an asset, quiet, tranquil, calm, serene, supported, unity, love, regard, solitude, equanimity, law and order, reconciled, restore friendly relations, coexist in harmony, compatible, accept, welcome, bring together, make congruent, synchronize, mend, remedy, rectify, heal, live with together, remain and stay with, assimilated, communicating, connecting, dove tail, fit, touching, pertaining to, responsive, answer, obedient, I AM, exist, being, it is I, give self wholly to, cause, Origin, Beginning and End, First and Last, Way, I AM AS I AM, at One, point reached or entered of place, time, purpose or result, union, joined, of one mind, corresponding, suitable, identified with, fully acquainted and familiar, gathered, arrive, converge

H1823- דמות DaMWT/A542- demutha/G3664- ομοιος omoios:  resemblance, likeness, similitude, model, shape, manner, fashion, pattern, example, Way, figure, form, specifications from which an actual item is made, things made after a given pattern, signifies the original after which a thing is patterned, congruent, assimilated, become similar, agree, concur, like minded and passions, duplicate, be in the same Way, follow after, like unto, same, faithful resemblance to the original, representation, analogous, corresponding, match, meet, suitable, exact, precise, accurate, equivalent in character, form and function, communicating, connecting, joined, union, together, correlated, consistent with, compatible, consonant, accord, in tune, dovetail, fit, parallel, exchange, touch, contact, identical, identified with, alike, indistinguishable, homogenous, homologous, in harmony, coinciding, agree together, come into the presence of and be in company with, fully acquainted and familiar, know well, assembled, gathered, arrive, enter, fulfill, satisfy, deal with and respond to, pay for in full, face to face, converge, endure, bear, greet, receive, answer, conform to, comply, obedient, settled, clear, coexist, run together, together in the same place, connection, peaceful, resting, abiding

A325- baranasha/G444- ανθρωπους anthropous:  mankind, humanity, countenance, face, human being without reference to gender or nationality, in distinction from God with suggestion of human frailty and imperfection, carnal, of human origin, standard generally accepted among men, not drawn from Scripture, inner self, fellow, complete and mature, full age, brought to its end, finished wanting nothing necessary to completeness when joined to God, verified, created by the Will of God in His likeness to belong with Him in His Family and given dominion of the earth, includes all human individuals, from Aloha as Divine, human life, wont to fight urged on by desire of gain, commiseration, maltreated and defenseless, two fold nature of man, moral condition, conformed to the nature of God, family, household, people, servant, employment, devoted to the service of God, resemblance, similitude, likeness of Aloha

H3847- לבש LaBaSh/A1272- levesh/G1746- ενδεδυμενοι endedumenoi:  wrap around, to put on a garment or clothe, wear, array, armed, apparel, come upon, covered, empowered, denoting fixed position in place, time and state, a relation of rest, duplicate throughout, give self wholly to, openly resemble, because of to sink, go down, set, twain, both, become submerged, engulfed, immerse, become, embed, invest, understand, grasp, imbue, fuse, steep, permeate, pervade, confer, entrust, grant, fill, penetrate, impregnate, inform, saturate, transfuse, seep, replicate, reproduce, match, identical, corresponding, copy, print, incised, impress, stamp, brand, seal, imprint, influence, stir, mark, instill, inculcate, implant, drive, engender, generate, induce, produce, inspire, foster, teach, learn, covered, clothed, put on, wear, carry, bear resemblance, endued with, enter into, envelop, surround, enfold, encircle, encompass, cocoon, enclose, shield, circumscribe, protect, defend, incorporate, embrace, involve, participate, stand for, sit in for, hold, understudy, satisfy, insure, secure, assure, support, uphold, gather, cuddle, fasten, nestle, purchased, redeemed, bestow, embody, fulfill, deliver, save, provide for, indicates personal interest in action, confer, give, endow, abide, lodge in, remain near beside, dwell with, obey, follow, adhere, heed, attend and care, bear, endure, continue with, lasting, covering of humility, receptivity, discipline, obeisance, worship, hospitality, welcome, accept, robe, immerse, pervade, to teach to learn, to serve, inner and outer garment, raiment, vesture, mantle, equipment, bestowment, endowment, mark of dignity, garment of solemnity, richness and beauty, stately robe, a long garment reaching the foot, conspicuous, the best, chief, wrapped in glory, to conform, keep, order, submission of heart, unity, harmony, marked, owned, possess, occupied, brand, devoted, peculiar, shining, steadfast, established, tunic, coat, valuable, close fitting, useful, appropriate, agreement, envelop, enfold, influence, uphold, heed, adhere, follow, endure, to wear, constancy, fellowship, association, friendship, companionship, fixed, settled, enclosed, important, passing on of responsibility, entrust, suffuse, covered from head to toe, appointed, anointed, ordained, protect, shelter, shield, consider, stand in, secure, assure, fulfill, satisfy, wrap, enter in, refuge, admit, have access, sanctuary, safety, immunity, preserved

H646- אפוד APhWD/A174- aphuda/G4024- περιεζωσμενον periezosmenon:  a girdle, image, resemblance, close fitting outer garment associated with worship, long vest reaching the thighs, fastened, engraved with names, breastplate, prominent display, set, covering, ornament, cherish, precious, beloved, accession, approval, favor, corresponding, forbear, long suffering, patient, Face To face, Presence, present, Abiding, Enduring, appointed, decision, judge, result, fruit, encircle, encompass, wrap around, defend, protect, safeguard, rule, dominion, chief, official, authenticate, substantiate, verify, confirm, Truth, genuine, sincere, honest, legitimate, ownership, possession, obedient, royal, important, central, foremost, established, honor, respect, veneration, worship, exalted, union, complete, gathered, bound together, assemble, receive, welcome, bring home to care for, recover, restored, joined, gird, keep, order, harness, yoke, ready, secure, spiritually bound together, covenant, vow, Assurance, Guarantee

H631- אסר ASaR/A160- esar/*G: to bind, wind together, to yoke, hitch, fasten to join, union, coupled, knit together, harness, keep, make ready, prepare, bond, connection, tying up for security and safety, bound, tie, hold, set in array, close and intimate association, through all over, around, surround, with respect to, concerning, touching, about, on behalf of, companionship, go with, pertaining, for the sake of, circumvent, completeness through, vow, obligation, oath, covenant, keep promise to, fulfill, accomplish

A2105- tseid/*G:  presence with, near toward, companion, cherish, approve, prefer

H994- בי BY/A2640- teda/*G:  ask, request, petition, pray, supplicate, seek after, devotion, dedication, commitment, worship, cherish, adore, beloved, favor, approval, trust, confidence, rely on, lean on, dependable, trustworthy, strength, security, safety, refuge, defend, protect, Assurance, Guarantee, quiet, rest, peaceful

H632- אסר ASaR/A164- esra/G2223- ζωνας zonas:   to yoke, hitch, fasten to join, union, coupled, knit together, harness, keep, make ready, prepare, bond, connection, tying up for security and safety, bound, tie, hold, set in array, close and intimate association, through all over, around, surround, with respect to, concerning, touching, about, on behalf of, companionship, go with, pertaining, for the sake of, circumvent, completeness through, vow, obligation, oath, covenant, keep promise to, fulfill, accomplish

H2094- זהר ZaHaR/A489- dahva/G5552- χρυσουν krusoun:  adorn, interweave with gold, gilded, bedeck, utility, made of gold, gold, golden, valuable, useful, desirable, righteous, made right, sound, whole, cherished, defended and protected, seek after, precious, utility of a metal, ornament, coin, kept, owned, possessed, occupied, belonging to someone, property, ownership, taken, prized, first, guaranteed, lustrous, wealth, abundance, beautiful, brilliant, bright, fair, successful, prosperous, flourishing, thriving, favorable, providential, fortunate, happy, joyful, excellent, splendid, full, satisfied, advantage, favorite, beloved, consummate, complete, finish, accomplished, carried out to the full, perform, execute, true, supreme, superb, master, perfect, ultimate, total, pure, unadulterated, unmixed, refined, clarified, clear, flawless, genuine, real, authentic, legitimate, lawful, fresh, unpolluted, wholesome, natural, healthy, virtuous, ethical, honorable, clean, honest, upright, exemplary, worthy, noble, undefiled, solid, decorate, embellish, enlarge, increase, boost, support, supplied with, enrich, dress, garnish, furnish, wreathe, praise, elevate, uplift, raise up, make beautiful and attractive, add luster to, enhance, grace, array, emblazon, intensify, further improve quality, value and extent of, magnify, raise value of, add to, heighten, amplify, strengthen, build up, supplement, augment, exalt, complement, better, refine, nourish and feed, add wealth to, embellish by carving and sculpting, make rich, purify, perfect, complete, hone, fine tune, polish, remove impurities or unwanted elements from, correct, influence, make fine again, make Good, to shimmer, glow, make clear, known, refined and tried, true, beaten and purified, valuable and precious, consecrated, set apart for Aloah, to gleam, teach, enlighten, shine, brighten, prominent, cheerful, conspicuous, full of abundance, pure, clean, innocent, translucent, freedom from pollution, moral purity and transparency, character free from taint or sully, crystal, make pure and clean, cleansed, forgiven

Greek with Strong's Numbers:

[και G2532 εν G1722] μεσω G3319 [των G3588 επτα G2033] λυχνιων G3087 ομοιον G3664 [υιω G5207] ανθρωπου G444 ενδεδυμενον G1746 [ποδηρη G4185 και G2532] περιεζωσμενον G4024 [προς G4314 τοις G3588 μαστοις G3149] ζωνην G2223 χρυσην G5552

[  ]  Greek words not in Aramaic or Hebrew

*G:  no equivalent in Greek translation

** For the Aramaic listed without Hebrew, the Aramaic becomes the Hebrew equivalent.

The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, red letter edition, Hebrew & Greek Dictionary, 2010 edition.  CWP Teacher edition Interlinear Bible.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Dictionary Number Lexicon, Vertical Interlinear Vol. III, Word Study Concordance.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Wigram's Concordance of Hebrew O.T. and Greek N.T.  The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.  Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament.  Wycliffe Bible Complete Text 1450 edition.  Tyndale 1526 edition.  Matthews Bible 1537 edition.  Geneva Bible 1560 edition.  Etheridge NT Peshitta.  Holy Bible:  From The Ancient Eastern Text by George M. Lamsa.  Aramaic Peshitta New Testament Translation - Messianic Version by Janet Magiera.  Blue Letter Bible.  Aramaic English New Testament, 5th edition.  HAGEBS - Hebrew Aramaic Greek English Bible Studies.  iBoS - interpretation based on study.

Studies can be referenced at:  

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